Was könnte ich an meinem 18. Geburtstag machen?
Guten Tag,
ich werde im Dezember 18 und frage mich, was ich an meinem Geburtstag tun könnte. Ich habe zuerst bis 15 Uhr Schule und danach Gitarrenunterricht, weshalb mir nur wenige freie Stunden an diesem Tag bleiben. Freunde, die ich einladen könnte, habe ich nicht und bitte auch nichts mit der Familie vorschlagen oder etwas, wofür man nach draußen gehen muss. Eigentlich geht es mir darum, mich an diesen Geburtstag erinnern zu können, da ich mich an kaum einen Geburtstag erinnern kann. Ich bedanke mich für alle Vorschläge.
Order a delicious dinner, watch a movie, write a letter to your future me, create goals and plans for your new year of life, start with workouts or start a TikTok/ YouTube Channel or similar on which you post guitar covers. If you can play guitar well, you might be able to go viral on social media. When you start your birthday and you become successful with it, you never forget this day you started.
I hope you will be able to enjoy your birthday despite math and the few time! And remember, there are such and such days, in life can still change a lot and you will be able to celebrate many more birthdays so properly.
I wish you all the best and hope I could help you a little bit. 🍀
What I would do in your place:
Don’t go to school or at least not to guitar. Then wish for the favorite food. Then want a voucher to drive a cool car/motorcycle(drive with your father?) Then light fireworks. And wish for a really cool gift and a gift you will remember for a long time as something self-made from your family or something you will often use.
So I definitely have to go to school, especially because I write a math claw on the day and I really like to go to guitar lessons and I would also leave it out unruly because my parents finally pay money for it. The other proposal does not go either, as I have no driving licence, but I don’t care about it.😅 And I don’t want to want something because I can’t expect my parents first, and secondly because I was last when I thought I was 14, I got something for my birthday. I still thank you for your answer. ^^
So if you want to wish you something I know this website: Throne.com You can express anonymously and people can give you this.
I would advise you to do things you like to do. If you’re interested in animals (because of your name now) you can go to a museum that has to do with animals.
What I like to do is play guitar and I do it every day, which is why I would probably not remember my birthday.
A museum that has to do with animals only exists in the next big city and that’s too far away from me. Besides, I could have a tour of this museum. 😅It would be too short for me to be home on my birthday at about 18:50.
Thank you for the answer. :