Was könnte ich an diesem Gedicht noch verbessern?

Dein Herz schlägt unermüdlich,

Deine Seele ist warm und gütlich.

Doch du verschenkst deinen Geist,

obwohl dich das selbst zerreißt.

Dein Mund formt Worte,

gibt Rat, klug und weise.

Doch für heute ist’s die falsche Sorte

Und du verstummst, wirst viel zu leise.

Unaufhörlich holt deine Lunge Luft,

gibt dir Kraft.

Doch sie einfach im Nichts verpufft.

Danke im Voraus:)

(2 votes)

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2 years ago

Your heart beats tirelessly,

Your soul is warm and Other. we have not

But you give away your spirit,

even though this tears you.

Your mouth forms words,

gives advice, wise and wise.

But for today is the wrong variety not good, Reimzwang

And you fall asleep, you get too quiet.

Incessantly your lungs get air,

gives you strength.

Yes they just in nothing. Who? The air?

Disturbing change of the reim scheme: first pair reim, then cross-clean, then aba.

Content: I don’t understand what is happening to me. Why is it today the wrong variety of words? What do you mean? What’s the problem?

2 years ago
Reply to  elly311216

Yes, now I understand what you want to say. You could make the missing esteem even more clear, I wouldn’t have come to that.

Yes, the power, I see.

A good mindset.

2 years ago

Sure. I’d be interested in what other variants look like. You definitely have talent.

2 years ago

The poem appears quite successful overall. Above all, you have also focused on concentration on the essential. Since you’re using reimes, I’d still see if you get a suitable rhythm. Because then it becomes even more harmonious.