Was könnte der Oldtimer wert sein?

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Ich besitze einen schönenMercedes 190E 3.2L AMG in Pajettrot. Es war vorher ein 2.6L und wurde von AMG umgebaut auf 3.2L. Sowie auch die Optik wurde demnach umgerüstet auf 16V. AMG Auspuffanlage wurde vom Werk aufgerüstet. Alles nachweisbar!

Dieser ist gerade mal 109.000KM gelaufen und befindet sich in einem Traumzustand. Er wurde nur bei gutem Wetter bewegt und sah regen nur selten… Historie ist vollständig alles nachweisbar.

was könnte das Fahrzeug wert sein?


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1 year ago

The Mercedes 190E AMG 3.2 is valuable, but not a classic that goes away immediately. This is a very special lover piece for which you have to look for the right buyer – there are no guidelines that depends on the condition. Normally, I recommend an expert’s expert’s report, who knows about oldtimers and only about Mercedes, and would withdraw at the sales price – because the reports are often very high – perhaps 5-10 percent.

Pajettrot is a beautiful and rare color, but I wouldn’t apply it as “very rare” in the inserate: First, this is a color that is not everyone’s thing and secondly it scares off any serious interested person when a youngtimer is advertised with superlatives such as “very rare”. That always smells like that: Aha, the color was not so often, I want to see a bunch of money extra for now.

The Mercedes 190E AMG 3.2 is otherwise always a subject for itself: there are originals and there are remodels. Here you have to prove everything – a replica is not as much worth as an original that was ordered in 1992/1993 with the 29.210 D-Mark expensive special equipment code 957 (AMG technology package).

1 year ago

The value of a vehicle can best be named by an expert. It depends on different things. What is original, what is better than original. The examiner has a catalogue of reports after which he proceeds. He checks if somewhere was sprinkled where from work is not sprinkled, how thick the paint is, how does the vehicle look inside, as from below? A very nice technically perfect vehicle gets the note 1 to 2. A miserable vehicle gets the notes from 4 to 6. It then calculates the basic value, i.e. the repurchase value for the case of a total loss and the sales value.

You’ll be sent to him in writing, but it can take a few days.

The price for such an opinion varies from tester to tester and from effort.

The old cars in our workshop are estimated to be between 250,000 and 1.5 million if an expert is to be examined.

1 year ago

I would look at your place at the usual car exchanges on the net for what price such cars are offered there.