Was könnte der Einbau eines Austauschmotors etwa kosten?
Der BMW 114i F20 Bj. 2013 meiner Freundin hat leider schon bei einen Motorschaden bei 156.000 Kilometern, BMW halt!
An sich ist das Auto recht gut erhalten, eine Reparatur bei BMW wird sich aber dennoch sicher nicht mehr lohnen.
Gebrauchte Motoren gibt es ja schon für etwa 2000€, aber was könnte der Einbau dann etwa kosten? Meint ihr eine Reparatur könnte sich noch lohnen, oder eher nicht?
Und woher weiß man, ob der angegebene Kilometerstand eines gebrauchten Motors überhaupt richtig ist? Lässt sich das irgendwie nachvollziehen?
I would make it dependent on the overall condition and how much you would get for the BMW “as it stands”. The 114i is not a hit on the market now – but he is a BMW – and perhaps some buyer himself now pays a price that is acceptable to you.
Best of all, look at what a user of 2014, who is identical from the corner data, will get you serious offers from well-known companies (I would also not buy any favorable replacement engine from Ebay without warranty/guaranteee and proofs or proofs or Checkbook, etc., but “ebs Gescheids”, where you really know, the aggregate is technically okay and the seller is securitised by taking warranty/guarante for it) and then decides what is done and what is not done. And so what is not cheap – there must be the residual value and offers for the car “as it is” objectively decide; I personally do not think that it really makes sense to provide the car with a replacement engine – because even after that, the sale probably starts to zero rather than that you deserve a little bit for the whole effort.
I am also always skeptical about older models in general due to my own experience: With ten years, the typical BMW illnesses in the field of electrical and electronic equipment are usually starting – even from the point of view, one can consider whether one is “as he is” or, if you are only offering 1000 euros or something for it, sold with a replacement engine and get an openly better vehicle. With 156,000 kilometers, I’d rather consider this – the more the one down, the less you get for it; Even beginners often want a BMW, but not with 160.000 or more kilometers.
I actually think that there is not much of a replacement engine here.
In the end, it is still a rather weak 114i, although a well-maintained five-door, but with relatively little equipment and even in the ready-to-run condition, not worth more than about 6,000€
That’s exactly what I meant – if everything was done professionally and reputably, you’ll probably get out of this price (I had estimated 5,000 euros without writing it) and that’s not worth it anymore. In the end, this and that comes to it and already you land over par – this is always the question…!
But you decide at the end – just collect offers for the BMW, which he would cost now, inserate him and then look what is happening. Good luck!
I feel the same. You have noticed me more often, always write very helpful and informative contributions and have helped me with some other questions:) I appreciate that.
Thank you – I’m “just” honest and “write how I speak” – and I’m trying to deal with people like I knew you’d deal with me. But I say it like this: I am actually the nice guy, but I can also be different if you really provoke it – but it is very rare.
I am very glad that there are still users like you!
But please! One helps where one can – I don’t answer soooo many questions here, but only where I can help out for best knowledge and conscience or from the experienced and experienced. Thanks for the star!
Thank you.
Such an installation takes about 15 to 20 workshop hours. At 156 Tkm, further work should be due in addition to the engine (e.g. a coupling exchange would be useful). Under 2,000 € there will certainly be nothing and it could also become much more.
After all the action you still have (only) a 114i. I wouldn’t do it.
114er… please inform next time before the purchase.
This is one of the worst engines ever built by BMW.
Sell the box you’ll have problems with it.
General advice: No 4 cylinders of petrol from BMW.
I don’t buy this 😁 My Benz with V6 under the hood is twice as old, twice as many kilometers and runs as on the first day
The old are generally longer:)
gave us an e46 320d with 456,000km there was only one glow plug defective. Running like a 1
my four-cylinder BMW is 48 years old and drives like the first day
I speak here of e46 316/318 e87 116/118 and 114/116/118 F20 318/320 E90
not from the old ones are another theme
A used engine, which is on a pallet, cannot be decrypted how much Km he has run. You need a serious seller.
what the installation costs comes to the workshop, brand or free workshop or backyard screwdriver.
Who also buys a BMW with minimotor or basic motorization 🤨
BMW builds solid engines, only their six-cylinder series with the best six-cylinders on the market.
If then only take one with six-rowser, no basic motorization, which will last forever as the 1’s is not a real BMW, just as the right Mercedes start with the C-Class 😉
I’ve never bought it, I’ll keep a distance from BMW anyway
Of course, I’m just buying what you’re proposing here as an omniscient expert 😁
The next purchase with me is a 2008 VW with 1.4 TSI motor 😲
I didn’t say explicitly.
Just that you shouldn’t buy yourself that part.
I’m certainly not omniscient only I definitely know more than you and lid together 😉
Well then, much fun, is just as much misconstruction as the W168 just as a motor 😂👍
Then 😉
I’m not driving cucumbers. Often I buy cars with defects, repair them and then drive them for a while.
Or something tuning and reconstruction
With me it’s 17 years and unlike you, I’ve already built some cars and didn’t get me a cucumber after the other as you 😉
Never. I’ve been screwing on vehicles for a long time, that’s my hobby for over 15 years
Don’t pay.
BMW four-cylinders have an integrated self-destruction mechanism under the hood, especially the 114i.
You can read the mileage, it’s not a big deal.
You get it already for under 9000€
It can be worth getting a reasonable engine.
Reading out of the engine without a control unit?
The ECU is actually part of it.
Sure. If I look around like that, but I like to be sold separately.