Was könnte das für ein Tier gewesen sein?

Gestern war ich bei mir in Düsseldorf an der Düssel spazieren und habe dort ein Säugetier gesehen, dass ich noch nie zuvor gesehen habe. Es war klein, aber größer als ein Eichhörchen. Etwa 40-60cm groß, es kann aber auch etwas kleiner oder größer als meine angegebenen Daten sein. Es schwamm im Wasser, war aber kein Biber, glaube ich jedenfalls. Dann ist es irgendwo an der Flusswand druntergeschwommen und hat sich versteckt.

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10 years ago

a Nutria might also be called a beaver rat? Nutrias came from South America but were introduced because of the fur and escaped from the farms or were released extra. Today they belong to our wildlife. or a bisam also called bisam rats although they are not rats but big sluices. also Nutria do not belong to the rats. they are related to porcupine. Maybe it was also a fish otter that counted among the martens and are still very rare. if it was one you had luck. Nerze also likes to swim very much. could also have been a mink. It’s hard to say. Nerze also belongs to the Mardern

10 years ago

That was probably a water rat you can see more and more often in the city.

10 years ago
Reply to  Kreidler51

yes, in outdoor pools.

Otherwise, water rat is not an art label.

10 years ago

A bisam rat, a neozoon. It’s originally from America. They are abundant in many rivers.

10 years ago

Hello, maybe it was a marten or a cradle, but if it was similar to a beaver, then I guess a bisam rat. :

10 years ago

Bisamrat or beeber

Have you seen a beaver that didn’t look as big as a dog?

10 years ago


Small spelling error great effect 🙂

10 years ago

I’d also think you’d certainly have seen a slightly larger rat. They are going to swim with us in the Rhine-Herne Canal. My friend has ever had a meeting in the water and they are so huge….

10 years ago

Maybe an otter or a marten.

10 years ago

According to the description it could be a Nutria (Biberratte) or a bisamratte. Both are in the region.

10 years ago

Maybe a Nutria. Your information is extremely poor.

10 years ago

Or maybe bisamrate?

10 years ago

A marten.

10 years ago

Maybe a water rat.

10 years ago
