Was können wir jetzt am besten als große Gruppe in München machen?

Hallo Leute,

also unsere Klassenstufe ist diese Woche eigentlich auf Klassenfahrt in Berlin, aber meine Freundegruppe und noch ein paar andere Leute aus unserer und der Parallelklasse sind auf eigene Kosten heimgeschickt worden, da wir nachts rausgeschlichen sind, um auf so ein Ding zu klettern. Jetzt sind wir in München angekommen und waren gerade noch in einer Pizzeria, da wir ziemlich hungrig warenm Wir sind jetzt nicht so mega oft in München (sind eigentlich aus Garmisch), also würden wir schon gerne die Gelegenheit ausnutzen.

Wer hat Vorschläge, was man gut als eine Gruppe von 16 Leuten machen kann und das ned so 0815 ist?

LG Zane

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1 year ago

Go to a concert. It doesn’t have to be big. There are many small sheds where unknown bands play. It often costs only 10€ or less.

1 year ago

Call the police station where you specified the bags with the “comic” stuff. They’ll help you.

1 year ago
Reply to  WatersZane

I think the 👨 🏭 call extra for you then there and let what prepare. 👯😎

1 year ago

And in Berlin you have unpacked the climbing equipment and are lacking mountains…

And your teachers from Garmisch who are also co-aged had absolutely no understanding for this? So there are things!

Now it’s too late for a proper answer. But what happened to you in Munich, what did you do there?

Even as a hint, if others happen by chance. 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  treppensteiger

Now it’s still time for a small railway experience.

That’s what happens. Place yourself in the vicinity of the station, advantageously to a bush. They’re waiting there, and they’re acting like they’re being controlled for drugs. I hope you don’t have much to do in Munich.

These (drugs) should not be included in this experience! However, a well oxidized cent piece ready to handle, which then only has to be thrown away inconspicuously, but noticeably into the dark. All other questions are answered in truth. If you get scared, you should communicate clearly. Fear can be imagined well.

This sounds to me like a matching “final” for the Berlin action. 😉