Was können meine Lehrer machen?
Hallo ihr lieben, ich bin Schülerin der Oberstufe und volljährig. Jenes ist für meine Frage essenziell, denn ich habe aktuell einige Probleme und würde gerne wissen wie weit meine Lehrer aufgrund meiner Volljährigkeit gehen können.
Zunächst zum Thema: Ich leide seit der EF an ständigen Sprüchen von meinen mitschülern, gewaltdrohungen, hänseleien und weiteres. Aufgrund dessen habe ich folglich panikattacken und wahrscheinlich eine Psychische Störung entwickelt, meine Stufen Begleiter und vereinzelte Lehrer wissen davon. Sie versuchen hinsichtlich dessen auch zu handeln, was aber immer weniger funktionieren. Allerdings geht es mir in letzter Zeit psychisch so schlecht, daß mein Körper darunter leidet. Ich werde im Sport Unterricht immer wieder Ohnmächtig oder bekomme starke kreislaufprobleme. Besonders schlimm war es auf der Lk Fahrt in London, wo mein Lehrer 45min auf mich einreden musste, damit ich keine Panik mehr hatte oder auch weitere Psychische, sowie körperliche Situationen aus denen er mich hohlen musste. Dabei stand er dann auch mit meiner Sportlehrerin in Kontakt. Ich habe kaum gegessen oder tu es auch bis heute nicht was wahrscheinlich auch mit in die Situation spielt.
Letzte Woche Dienstag ist es dann so weit gekommen, dass meine Sportlehrerin einen RTW gerufen hat. Jener wollte mich mitnehmen, was ich allerdings verneinte weshalb sie es nicht durften. Von dieser Situation wurden laut meiner Sportlehrerin nun auch der Schulleiter und die Stufenbegleiter in Kenntnis gesetzt, mit welchen ich am Donnerstag auch ein Gespräch habe. Meine Eltern wissen von all dem nichts, da sie auch Teil des Problem sind. Das wissen auch meine Lehrer. Der Grund warum ich jetzt die frage stelle ist aber eher, weil meine Sportlehrerin heute etwas entdeckt hat, denn ich verletze mich seit längerer Zeit selbst. Sie hat genaz dies heute mitbekommen und dann auch meine Wunden versorgt….die frage ist jetzt nur, wird sie jenes ebenfalls melden? Werden meine Eltern informiert? Was ist wenn ich noch öfter umkippe? Auf Nachfrage lassen mich meine Lehrer meistens im ungewissen…ich möchte einfach gerne wissen auf was ich mich jetzt mental vorbereiten muss…
PS: Ich hoffe es war alles soweit verständlich ausgedrückt. Ich habe nämlich nicht wirklich auf grammatik und Rechtschreibung geachtet 😅
You are full-year and in this case teachers are no longer obliged to inform your parents. In how far the school now deals with the fact that often the schools themselves are responsible. For example, no one would be informed with us at school.
With us there would be a conversation with you and together would be looked at how to help you. If you would not change anything actively, you might be freed from school lessons. Just to protect you and others. It is always an emotional situation for students and teachers.
If it happens again and again, the school can also RTW against your will. In the case of Self-protection. Here, the school would also legally secure itself, as you would otherwise see how you judge yourself.
A RTW was already there, but because of the fact that I didn’t want to go to the hospital, they couldn’t do anything…
Just because they didn’t class the situation as life-threatening. If they had come to the decision that this was “travel in execution” they would have called the police. Then you would have had to fight against your will.
I’m not saying it’s up to now. It could happen.
But that is not the case
The keyword is here: self- or foreign danger! In this case, you would be treated stationary and then come to the psychiatry. Of course, with judicial decision, but this can be recovered very quickly.
But isn’t it just legal that if you’re still absorbent and able to answer consciously no rtw is allowed to force you to hospital? Even if it’s life-threatening? Because otherwise you can complain under liberty…
I’m sorry to hear that you’re making so difficult experiences. It is understandable that you are thinking about what your teachers can and may do in this situation, especially since you are full-year.Your teachers have the responsibility to respect your well-being. If they know about your mental and physical problems, they are obliged to offer you support. This means that they are able to talk to you about your situation and provide you with help, whether through conversations or by involving professionals such as school psychologists.
If your sports instructor has noticed your self-harm, it will probably be obliged to report this. In many schools, there are guidelines that say that teachers must act in signs of self-harm or serious mental problems to ensure that you receive the necessary support. This could mean that they inform the headmaster or other professionals.
It is also possible for your parents to be informed, especially when it comes to your safety. However, this often depends on the specific circumstances and how you feel. You have the right to decide what you share with your teachers and how much you trust your parents.If you continue to have health problems or faint, it is important to take this seriously. Your teachers should be able to help you and take appropriate measures to ensure that you get the support you need. The conversation with the step attendees can be a good opportunity to openly address your worries and find out which support is available to you.
It is important that you do not feel alone and that there are people who are willing to help. Search for ways to express your thoughts and feelings – whether through conversations with teachers or other trustees. You deserve to be heard and supported.
But can they really inform my parents when I’m full-year? This would probably make the situation even worse….
If you are full-year, your teachers usually do not have the duty to inform your parents unless it comes to your safety or well-being. You have to weigh what’s best for you. But they can.
You need to get someone to the boat where can help, best your parents.
ChatGPT can also question it yourself.
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Not in my last year
can change the school,
Then I should, I think, try to tear together
Teachers may provide information on the well-being of their students, especially if they believe that someone is in danger or has serious problems. This can also include self-infringements or mental crises.
But why are they allowed when I’m full-year? Actually, my parents don’t care about my life anymore, as long as I don’t care for myself.
I was with a teacher, too. but only on a suspension
because of violence, can go to the police, or
I’m sorry.
My parents are unfortunately the last ones who can help
It’s good that your teachers take care of you.
vlt. do you want to talk to them about how to support you as best as possible?
Find a therapy place.