Was kommt nach dem 9€ Ticket?
Was kommt nach dem 9€ Ticket?
Weiß das jemand?
Was kommt nach dem 9€ Ticket?
Weiß das jemand?
Also als 5 köpfige Familie hätte man ca. Über 3000€ per monat, ist ja klar das keiner für darunter dann arbeiten will. Wer bezahlt 3-4 netto? Empfehlung
Guten Tag. Ich wollte mal fragen ob sich jemand schonmal in so einer Situation war und weiß ob das möglich ist.
Hallo ich habe eine Tochter von eine Affäre. Ich will sie akzeptieren. Ich würde gerne ausrechnen was ich an Unterhalt zahlen muß. Sie ist arbeitslos und hat ein Kind und meine Tochter. Für das Kind bekommt sie Unterhaltvorschuss. Ich hab bis jetzt als 1jahr hab ich inoffiziell Unterhalt bezahlt. Jetzt will ich es offiziell machen….
Ich dachte immer hat wegen Russland denn Krieg verloren. Hier sieht man Spanien war auch am gewinnen https://youtu.be/CQ_0Ve0f3HQ?si=RI2doK6D5dbK6N_R
Ich finde im Internet dazu nichts, also frage ich mal hier: Ist es erlaubt den Onlinenamen anderer Leute zu veröffentlichen ? Beispiel: Mustermann 123 schreibt als Kommentar: Du Nuss. Ich mache einen Screenshot und lade das als Video/Bild auf Instagram hoch und zeige damit öffentlich das Mustermann 123 du Nuss geschrieben hat. Ist das erlaubt?…
Since the federal government does not permanently support the regional railway.
That’s what the federal states do.
However, the Federal State Transport Minister Conference has not yet met.
Covenant rejected
Ansage is “not financeable. If the countries want to do something at their expense, they must take care of the financing themselves”
What do you think of a 31€ ticket? So the ticket, what the pupils and seniors were made available?
Let us say this: if it can be financed without the need to lose or save money elsewhere or to increase tax on Germany… Let me be right
However, I find enough people who don’t benefit from it, as such a gloomy offer nix brings when the connection is saumiserabel
The fare valid before this action will be paid again.
As long as Mr Lindner is Minister of Finance, nothing.
The normal tickets that existed before the 9€ ticket.
Does anyone know?
The White No one.
Got a 69€ ticket
For a month?
For many, this is still cheaper than the usual subscription price or the car costs. If it is also valid throughout Germany, you can also get to Sylt 😀
Only the rural population will still have nothing of it.
After that there is a juicy price increase!
Actually, they made a profit. Almost 42 million people in Germany got the ticket in the first month. 9×42000000 already gives a huge sum for a month that would not have gotten the train…
A win? No! High losses have occurred. Your bill isn’t true, because the difference to the normal monthly tickets is significantly breaking the frame.
Hahaha…doing now insult and still looking for the guilt with others doesn’t testify to intelligence! I don’t need to talk about an apology for you, but you don’t have the character. I know.
The one who speaks aggressively here among all the dignity you are, which clearly shows he/she is afraid that one proves to him what others think. as 14/15 years old,
It would make sense to change a sound.
But not me anymore.
Apparently, you’re consulting resistant and you just want to hear what you’re going to do and leave the business side outside. You can do it, but you’re making it ridiculous! Keep going, but don’t touch me again!
Well, you guys are different from us.
From the newsletter I write.
The 9-Euro ticket continues to enjoy great popularity. We could now sell over 100,000 of these tickets.
The cheap 9-Euro ticket, which allows Germany-wide trips by public transport, continues to be a sales hit. In Magdeburg, the ticket has been sold 100,000 times at the MVB. Both the June ticket and the July ticket were purchased approximately 45,000 times. For the month of August, 10,000 9 Euro tickets have been purchased in advance.
Increased passenger numbers
A first evaluation shows that the passenger numbers could be increased. So were in June approx. 400.000 people more with the MVB lines on the way, as in May. Overall we counted 3.8 million passengers a month. This is the highest monthly value since the beginning of the Corona pandemic. However, overfilling in the vehicles did not occur – the offer is in principle sufficient.
The 9-Euro ticket can still be purchased for the month of August. There is no connection ticket to date. The MVB Managing Director Birgit Münster-Rendel notes: “The 9-Euro ticket is a success and shows that, due to simplicity, not only the railways, but also the urban transport benefits from increasing passenger numbers. It thus not only relieves people’s wallet, but also the environment of harmful emissions by reducing the use of cars. It is all the more important that the Bund and Länder come together quickly to negotiate a succession solution. ‘
I am
If someone doesn’t behave here, you are! You keep saying things that don’t vote and probably you don’t even have the mum to contradict your boss, because the obvious one is on hand here and you can read it in the media!
This represents all traffic allies. What it is, is only with you alone!
Why? Because you scream like an insulted child?
Because our boss knows what she would have taken? What would you have stayed if she hadn’t got any support from Bl?
What you’re doing is there!
Some people are so firm that he doesn’t even think. We’ve been on the road with the QDl would never have happened without a holiday. Makes only 9 instead of 42 € but we are not the only ones.
Our managing director of the VB is absolutely enthusiastic. Says the BL have to sit down urgently. We have 235,000 EW, 400,000 passengers more. 100,000 tickets to the 1.8th SOLD! And there’s not a monthly ticket in there.
You’d rather have driven by the car than driving with the normal ticket.