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nothing. Then I get a (self) hard boiled egg from the egg cupboard and eat it on toast covered with smoked salmon. Salmon. Toast and boiled eggs I always have at home,
Freezers (pizza, carvings with croquettes, fish sticks or lasagna are quite okay) or I take some from the local diner or Asian.
I usually take the time to cook myself. Because it only has to go fast if you don’t plan otherwise.
Mirror egg with bacon cubes. I’ve always got the cubes, eggs, too.
Schell also goes fresh leaf spinach with olive oil and garlic in the frying pan, with a fried egg. Preferred baby bio spinach, saves cleaning from spinach.
If it has to go fast, I don’t cook anything, then there’s a bread, otherwise I cook almost all the dishes like rice, noodles, potatoes, vegetables and any meat in 30 minutes. Grape dishes last longer, but I usually have something in the freezer because I always cook several portions.
dishes that have short cooking times, do not garnish a roast or sous vagina.
Cut vegetables, meat etc. into smaller cubes/pieces. On the web there are many dishes for the “fast cuisine”.
For 30 minutes, I’ll take time to prepare my daily lunch. And in this time you can prepare countless dishes.
I’ve got some stuff from the garden in the basement. To do this, potatoes or noodles and some sausages are nippled.
Pasta with tomato sauce (self made), lasagna, vegetable pan.
We always have a certain reserve in the freezer. There’s something going on fast. A whole menu is often frozen in portions. Has helped a lot.
I have a lot of pre-cooked in my freezer, which I just have to soak up and warm up.
Goes rattfatz and is better than the finished product from the supermarket!
Ready-made potatoes pizza…
Bread potatoes
noodle pancake
Then I’ll get something to eat instead of cooking myself
That’s not what we do, my wife always has time to cook. We take it \./
Finished food is not an option- never
A can of Ravioli
Then there are mirror eggs on ham!
I don’t know if this counts as cooking, but I’m making such noodles from a becherding that you just have to fill hot water.
It was more often my night shift dinner. Not exactly healthy, but depending on the variety also delicious and it went fast. Don’t have to be every day.
water for the 5-minute-terrine
But what is not healthy and nutrients has hardly
The water?🤣
I am right to you, but the question was not directed towards healthy food
Don’t have to be on the plate, spoon out of the cup. 😂😂
I know. I wouldn’t come to the plate
I know was just a well-meaning advice