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On Christmas Eve, as always, there are potato salads and sausages, which prepares my mother.
I’ll make the robe for the first Christmas holiday. Mothers cook vegetables and throw the almond balls into the oven.
She’s being eaten.
Since my father died, my sister and I alternately stay with her Christmas and New Year’s Eve. We don’t want her to be alone these days.
Changes fit well because my husband and I still have a family and can change so perfectly. My father-in-law died in summer 23. There too, mothers don’t stay alone.
If we spend Christmas in East Westphalia, we’ll bring the wild for the Christmas roast.
Thank you for the ⭐
Sure. Have you earned with the great answer?
On Christmas Eve there is always potato salad with sausages, who wants to make himself a hot dog.
On 1 Christmas day there are blue wort, dumplings and meat (which we do not know yet)
And on the 2 Christmas day there are the remains of the 1 Christmas day and Christmas Eve (if anything else is left)
With us there is always potato salad and sausage for Christmas Eve. For this, my brother and I, before the other guests come, meet in my sister’s house and we prepare the potato salad for the third – and always enjoy a good bottle of Crémant. This has been a tradition for years.
Sounds very, very good at 😃👍🥂🍾!
There is always a good mood. 😊
traditionally always pellkartoffel
with a large terrine in sawn, swashed, apples and picks inserted matjes hering.
wings, monastic, red wort and the usual suspects
there is always only on the 1st or 2nd Christmas day when the gift-packing-tree-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap-scrap.
As always with us made foliage pastry filled with shrimp or ham/ cheese or spices or vegetables. Many salads
I just can’t get pasty. Somehow I don’t fold it right, or not enough, even if I do it 50 times. It’ll be nix.
Between the tours the dough must be covered in the freezer. Fold and roll out with gentle force. Yes, it’s true he won’t always be beautiful, but still better than the finished bought
Good luck!
Thank you very much. I’ll try.
Yes, fold into the freezer, roll out, fold freezer….
Secret tip: Put in the dough (not in the butter tile!) 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream or butter milk. This causes miracles
So you mean folding, rolling out and then every time in the freezer?
He shouldn’t be 30 minutes stable.
Thank you. How long does it have to go to the freezer?
From tradition there is only a cold plate (free with exquisite specialties) at the Holy Evening.
Is it great?
On Christmas Eve there are red cabbages, lumps and goulash. On the first and second Christmas days there are remains.
Christmas Eve: Potato salad with sausages, 1st Christmas day duck with red cabbage and potato dumps on the 2nd we eat.
With us there is outer flesh this year and then something else.🫶🏻😊
LG Maike
Christmas Eve with us Heringsalat and Schaschlik with potato salad
I’m in Wales with my family, they want to do Brisket, I’m looking forward to it.
Would you have a prescription?
I don’t know how my family in Wales does that. But I’ve already done it, you need a good and high-quality cattle breast, cut off the fat on the outside and then the 12-18 hours will come to the smoker and, of course, seasoning. I do this with pepper and salt, herbs and pepperwort.
I would like to try this
And don’t forget, the spicing comes naturally in front of the smoker, so I’ve expressed myself unhappy. From the principle, this is really simple and mega tasty. But it really must be a high quality cattle breast.
Thank you very much.
Like every year rabbits with red cabbage and lumps.
Our traditional food is Beoseot Jeongol and Bulgogi as the main course. Sigeumchi Namul, Kimchi and rice as a supplement and as dessert Yaksik and Sujeonggwa.
Oha… I don’t know all that 😅😅😅
There are traditional Königsberger Klopse
very horny idea!
There will be raclette.
I don’t know. I only know that there is no goose or duck at HA.
Morning coffee and eggs, evening tea.
On Christmas Eve there are raclettes or sauerkraut, lumps and sauce.
As always, I will decide on short notice. There will be a wild dish, which I don’t know yet.
As always, there will be warm sausages with Scorpse potato salad.
sausages, eggs…