Was kann technisch passieren, wenn man mit einen Golf 4 trotz kaputter Servopumpe weiterfährt?
Meine mal nur rein technisch…
Meine mal nur rein technisch…
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Steering is much heavier.
The problem is that if you don’t get too soft in an accident and someone comes behind your servo pump being defective, you would have to prove that you had happened the accident with an intact servo pump. And you won’t be able to. That’ll be VERY expensive.
You have no more steering support. If the pump is broken and continues to be driven, metal plugs from the pump can be distributed throughout the system. After the pump has been exchanged, the entire system must then be thoroughly flushed so that the new pump does not take any damage.
And would this be worse if there is no additional servo oil inside? Will the time also break the belt that drives everything else? or is it just that the steering is difficult?
Without oil, even more chips will form, as even less is smeared.
The pump can eventually block and thus block or block the belt drive. the belt slips and destroys itself. Let it be replaced. A used pump may cost 20-30€ on the scrap. If you keep driving, it will be much more expensive.
then everything that hangs behind this servo pump has no support
Steering is harder.
The bearings in the steering gear will be happy to drive without lubricating 🔥
Nothing has to be done in the steering. The oil in the servo steering system serves only for force transmission.
well then drive that ding without oil I want to see how long the cold does not take 100km until the needle bearings give up.
Well, then think about why the pump breaks right because it runs dry.
Depending on the design, the rack runs with the servo oil or not. To lubricate the rack, however, no oil pressure must be in the steering system. As already said, a broken servo pump does not mean that there is no oil in it. And even if the oil would run out of the pump, oil would still be in the steering.
Oh, you know how a steering gear works.
He didn’t say there was no oil in it. Only the pump is defective. Moreover, as already mentioned, the oil is not responsible for lubricating the steering. There are other lubricants in the steering system.