Was kann passieren, wenn ich wegen Untergewicht keine Periode mehr habe?
Ich nochmal: Ich habe nächste Woche Donnerstag einen Termin beim Frauenarzt. Aber ich bekomme jeden Tag schlimmere Schmerzen, da ich nicht blute. Man kann nicht daran sterben, oder?😭 Sammelt sich da das Blut an? Was soll ich bis zu dem Termin tun? Ich bitte wirklich um Antwort.
This means that your body is so in survival mode that reproductive is not to be thought of. : Your body does not allow ova to mature, currently you are “infertile” (with possibly corresponding long-term consequences)
You can’t die of this (at the bottom weight but already, depending on the holding…) and there is no blood. You don’t have pain either.
The question is whether you really don’t have menstruation because of the underweight or that you’re GLAUBST. Especially in teenager age one has its period only conditionally regular
In my previous post, I’ve already asked and yes, we don’t know yet, but I’ll find out Thursday next week!
No, you can’t die. In the case of serious and long-lasting underweight, permanent infertility can only occur. This isn’t the worst thing that can happen with underweight.
It’s very exhausting for your body. Probably your cervical mucosa is high and your body wants to get rid of it, which is why it has so painful.
The blood does not “swallow” itself. It continues to flow through the veins and vessels of your cervical mucosa as well as in the rest of your body. It only starts to bleed when the cervical mucosa is detached.
You could signal to your body by enough healthy diet that you are not in an emergency situation. Then your period could also come back as soon as your body decides that it was “enough” evidence and he is ready to apply energy for the menstruation cycle.
With the cycle there is also always the risk of pregnancy, which is why he usually waits a little longer than he takes the cycle back too early and you are still in the underweight and then pregnant then could kill you (so the body thinks anyway).
If the pain really gets very strong then go to a standby doctor and let it check. Maybe there’s something else behind it.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
How much do you weigh in what size? Irregular period with 14 is now really nothing unusual.
I never had irregular so this year, because I have it since the 5th (in now 9th) and it has leveled and I still take a herbal pill that should keep the cycle. I weighed 45+-, weighed under 40 a few weeks ago.