Was kann man tun, wenn einem in der Psychiatrie nicht geglaubt wird?


ich bin aktuell in der Psychiatrie. Ich bin da, weil ich eben keine Hoffnung mehr hatte, da es mir schon lange nicht gut geht. Allerdings will ich nach Hause. Mir wird nicht geglaubt, dass ich leben will und dass ich das Leben schön finde.

Noch dazu kommt, ich habe keine Essstörung aber auch diesbezüglich wird mir nicht geglaubt. Da ich Schwierigkeiten beim Essen habe, wegen ständiger Übelkeit. Da es auch passiert, dass ich mich nach dem Essen übergeben muss, wird mir noch weniger geglaubt. Ich habe durch die ständige Übelkeit und dadurch wenig Essen, was schon lange so geht, natürlich abgenommen. Trotzdem ist mein Gewicht nicht in einem gefährlichen Bereich, zwar Untergewicht aber eben nicht gefährlich. Und ich habe ja keine Essstörung und will das auch nicht.

Ich bin erwachsen und über 18 und bin auf Rat meiner Psychotherapeutin und Psychiater freiwillig nur zum Schutz dahin.

Wegen was behalten, die mich denn hier? Dass dürfen Sie doch gar nicht, wenn keine Gefahr besteht!? Was kann ich da tun? Passiert das häufiger, dass einem nicht geglaubt wird? Wie sind eure Erfahrungen und was habt ihr gemacht? Eigentlich sind die Kliniken doch sowieso überfüllt, also was soll das!?

Lg und danke

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5 months ago

Fact is just that it’s all bullshit they can’t keep you if you’re not a danger.

I am in a psychiatry myself and am not a danger to humanity. Nevertheless, they may keep me there (i.e. if I have made their own decision!)

You’re not in a psychiatry for no reason. Mental illness isn’t great and you don’t really have a nice life depending on the condition. You have to have any condition or a v.a.

Thomas Richter
5 months ago

So, of course, I don’t know how it’s individual with you now, but body and psyche are very related. Only the nausea and/or stomach pain before a test has been experienced. That is why it is often the case that the body reacts to a mentally bad condition, especially tension. He often does this through the stomach or the digestive system. And so often that even one’s own discipline has developed – psychosomatics.

Even if you say you want to eat normally and it doesn’t work, your eating behavior is disturbed because of nausea and vomiting – and of course you can also call it eating disorder. A eating disorder is not always the same “he doesn’t want to eat”, that would be very stigmatizing, but that can have many different forms. The more suspicion arises when you find no physical cause.

I would recommend that you listen to the recommendations of your traders. If they think you’re ready and can go home, they’d have let you go. The waiting list or need for psychiatric beds is very high, so there are certainly good reasons that you should stay here. Just try to make the best of it and use your time there.

5 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Have you already explained if your symptoms may have a physical cause? It can be in both directions, a psychic factor can cause physical symptoms, but also a physical factor can trigger psychological symptoms.

Did you just say it’s bad for you and you don’t want to hand it over, but it just happens? It is important to speak openly and to explain something to whom one believes it has been misunderstood.

Thomas Richter
5 months ago

For example, you could also suggest that you want to register in a psychosomatic clinic and then do it right there with the help of the social service, you are in the psychiatry at the source. What you’re writing sounds very like you could be better helped there. I worked in the psychiatry for 12 years and I have now changed into psychosomatics for almost a year. It also has something “Krankenhaus-Flair”, but it is more like a rehabilitation clinic from the ambience. You have a pre-conversation, where you can answer all the questions that burn on your soul and then decide whether it is the right thing for you. You will then also get to know a doctor or therapist who will probably take over the therapy there. Can really put your heart on the physical problems you have, most likely all of them are mentally caused. There you would have time and space to process everything – in a clearly “healthy” environment, not comparable to the psychiatry. Sign up, there’ll be a waiting list anyway, but it would be such a good chance…

5 months ago

If you can’t say anything, maybe you could write it up and show it. Then you would have the chance to write it exactly as you want and not be afraid or stressing something maybe not as you want to share.

5 months ago

I can’t believe in anything like that, I’ve never been believed to be a child. I’ve never been lying in real life, my parents have said that, but has believed us… Then later I couldn’t do anything at school I didn’t get to do my homework and so the funny is I WOLLTE all the way but of course no one believes me… Then came out yes I got autism ok cool in quotation marks allso is of course not cool but I thought the people believe me now… Ok but there were new things some things didn’t fit into the scheme of the therapists… Zb Love I Logic But hate mathematics, which is why I have a High IQ but can’t have a Math English or other, I have a good imagination but can translate nights… Yes then some therapists also accused me of hiding something instead of me behind the diagnosis (think I do the extra why? Why would I make it so complicated? Allso no I have these problems and I can’t do anything myself)

Normele doctors also did not find anything physically totally healthy only I can’t move when I want and where I want to be strange, all the doctors have said yes that make children stop if they don’t have a bock (quote from a doctor: the disease is called laziness)

That’s really crazy.

Allso What I’m saying is you’re not alone with me, my whole life doesn’t believe any expertise… This is the only thing I can tell you… I wish I had a solution… Little tip maybe you have something like autism or something, so a diagnosis helps in a few things definitely and answers a few questions… Not all like me but there is at least some clarity, but getting there is also a way… I speak of experience 😞

5 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Yes I always find myself encouraged to see if I am not alone with a problem 🥰

5 months ago

If you have hired yourself, you can also dismiss yourself as long as they don’t judge you as a threat to you or to others.

You can most likely object to the verdict of the psychologist and request a second assessment. You should look for legal support to find out ways to do it.

I wish you all the best.

5 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

You have to convince them of your desire to live. Some people also make a contract. They are legally protected.

5 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

You can do that by phone.

5 months ago

At least a short consultation.