Was kann man tun, damit Alkohol weniger oder gar nicht mehr eklig schmeckt?
Nase zu klappt nicht wirklich und mit süßen Sachen mischen ist der Geschmack immer noch da.
Nase zu klappt nicht wirklich und mit süßen Sachen mischen ist der Geschmack immer noch da.
Hi, mein Freund hat heute Geburtstag, die Gäste kommen gegen 18 Uhr und der Kühlschrank ist zu voll so das wir die Getränke nicht dort kühlen können. Bei uns sind es im Moment -8°. Meine Frage, kann ich die Getränke nach draußen stellen damit die kühl sind?
Bitte alle beantworten, brauche es für meine Facharbeit 🙂
Hallo mein Vater ist feiern gewesen, und ist jetzt komplett betrunken nachhause gekommen. Er torkelt schon, statts zu laufen Wahrscheinlich trinkt er noch mehr Alkohol, denn er bleibt meist bis 2 Uhr auf Was tut man da? Mfg
Eure Erfahrungen
ich hab mir gerade eine 1,5 Liter Wasser Flasche mit sodastream Sirup Pfirsich gemischt, schmeckt gut, kann ich es trinken oder werde ich anfangen zu schimmeln ? ( es ist 2020 abgelaufen )
Difficult try Becks ice Lemon-Lime is such an alternative for beer. How to get down Vodka zb goes with mixes like Vodka-O, Vodkaenergy or stop maracuja juice you don’t taste almost and you can adjust the ratio also zb 1/4 1/3 the smaller number is always alcohol that gets everyone down
I’m not a high-percent fan.
But I make coffee liqueur every few weeks, with about 20% alcohol.
Except for high-percentage, I don’t taste any more alcohol.
Well, I would say that most people drink alcohol because they long for a state of feeling (sometimes get out, feel more self-esteem, hold intensity, relaxation, emotions better…). At some point we get used to the taste and then the dependence on experiencing is also linked to the taste of alcoholic beverages. Doof. This makes it harder to control itself (which softens even more difficult, vicious circle).
But it is clear that someone can have a need, even if it does not taste to drink alcohol in a society where it is totally normalized (and alcohol then satisfies needs that are too little satisfied in other life).
I liked alcohol – like most – not at the beginning, then – like most – got used to the taste first and then learned to love it and now – at the beginning of 30 – I’m looking for ways I could find the taste more disgusting because I too often grab a beer to feel better. There’s more to talk about.
Good luck and I wish you an environment that supports self-determined decisions (also against alcohol)
Alcohol is for adults. You grow up when you get rid of the sugar you grow up with. Lemonades and fruit growers end up either with maturity, or they end up in diabetes.
If it doesn’t taste it hasn’t. There is no need for consumption.
Thanks for the simple question…
Who does not taste alcoholic drinks, he does not drink them!
Problem solved.
Happy You… and stay healthy
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
If you don’t taste alcohol, you don’t need to drink it either. You’re not cool when you drink alcohol. Eat what tastes good and drink what tastes good for you. No other way. Otherwise it can become very unpleasant as you have already noticed yourself, because alcohol is not necessarily a must. In any case in consumption.
Buy quality and a certain habit, but still does not work completely.
You better leave your fingers off if it’s too sharp. Then your palate doesn’t seem to be right with it.
Just don’t drink. I don’t drink alcohol
Funny question. If I don’t like something, I don’t drink.
Isn’t that hard, is it?
Who wants to be dense must suffer…
Don’t drink it.
You have to experiment yourself
Alcohol tastes shit because it’s poisonous. Just leave it.
The crowd makes the poison. You knew that before all this in the Middle Ages. ^^
No, JEDER drops of alcohol is poison…
See current studies.
You’re welcome.
Yes! Thank you for this nice conversation.
There is a disgusting report on a suspected study. Of course, all the haters of alcohol jump onto them without even knowing what they actually write.
Perhaps some of my answers to wine and/or champagne questions are interesting for you, for example or to name a few examples.
With increasing age and practical experience, you will see a gradual increase in the variety of nuances of wines and their facets due to a developing palate.
I am often also on Instagram and have often heard of such funny things where people dare to claim alcohol would be harmful in the least amount and already a nerve poison. I can only shake my head and keep my words with me.
In itself, I already know some very important foundations for wine production. We ourselves also have our own field, today was even a grape harvest. But even though I know a few basic things and have made a very own wine myself a year ago, I cannot compare my knowledge with that of a person skilled in the art who clearly knows many other things and also before all that about wine and other things. Wine is indeed very, very interesting and fascinated me very much.
In fact, my training would really be called “wine and champagne production technologe”, which is quite long on the one hand. A little excitement comes up for tomorrow’s day. But still I am very excited.
A few days ago we analyzed the grapes on the first field, came out 104-106°Oe. Today we analyzed before and after pressing and finally got a fruit juice with 111° oe. These are perhaps the 14% volume of alcohol after the end of fermentation, I guess.
This seems to be the case with many who are holding a witch hunt for alcohol in the last few weeks.
Last time I read again, someone would like to do without alcobal because he has now heard that alcohol is so harmful.
It is an insane report that allegedly even the smallest amounts of alcohol are harmful.
Then, first of all, the fruit juices should be laid with a minimum age and not let toddlers drink a liter of juice daily.
The world of wines is huge, very complex and very exciting.
As a wine-technological, you will soon learn everything about wines and sparkling wines.
I deal more with foreign wines and champagne, but the high-quality German Riesling wines are highly sought after worldwide and can be a true experience when the vintage fits.
The ripe the fruit and the higher the sugar content, the higher the alcohol content may be.
This is particularly noticeable in some tropical fruits, pineapple or mangoes, but even bananas can already contain 0.6% alcohol. That sounds little. I like to compare it with commercial beer that usually contains 4% alcohol.
Very interesting, I didn’t know yet. By the way, I’m even in training as a wine technologist. I have the inspiration from my father, from whom I have learned a lot over the years. Only I had no idea that very small amounts of alcohol are present in the fruits. However, in the case of more precise reflection, this is very clear.
In fruit juices, of course, certain amounts of alcohol are usually present, and they are known to be drunk predominantly and in not insignificant amounts by infants. In beer there is about 4% alcohol, in grape juice up to 1%.
In almost all ripe fruits there is alcohol, the more mature, the higher the alcohol content. Even in ripe bananas, 0.6% alcohol can be found.
Toxic does not mean that it would immediately be fatal…
It hurts the body. But organs can regenerate.
Whether one becomes seriously ill depends on the amount and duration of alcohol consumption.
I understand. But you know, somewhere I’m almost too stupid to discuss all this through and through. There are so many foods in which alcohol is present and even fruits that are simply so eaten, some ferment in the stomach.
But I didn’t believe anything that he had said before me. If, before all this, drinkable alcohol would already be poisonous in small quantities, then no one should be alive as I see.
It is surprising that now every stupid report is believed on the net. The media competence was better in the past.
In future, people dispense with fruit, some vegetables, especially fermented, fruit juices, products with yeasty, such as pizza, etc… in everything there is alcohol.
Yes, from the outside you often see a evaporated face, partly rednesses of the skin. Internally, among others, fatty livers, weakened immune system, increased cancer risk, cognitive losses (attention, concentration), any disturbed social behavior (dissocial, aggressive) and mental, emotional problems (anxious, depressive).
Well, if you say so. If, of course, you might have to explore yourself. I don’t think it’s too bad to think about it.
Unfortunately, there is one, actually he was a very nice and humorous, just as intelligent person, who literally reaps for a holiday every day to drink a lot. The consequences are clearly visible.
Keeps poison: damages the liver, strains the kidneys, disrupts the signal transmission in the brain.
It’s strange that I’m still alive. 👍