Was kann man seinem Freund zu Weihnachten schenken?
Hallo, mein Freund und ich kennen uns jetzt schon ziemlich lange und eigentlich kenne ich ihn halt auch voll gut, aber ich weiß halt nicht, was ich ihm zu Weihnachten schenken soll, weil er meine Fragen immer mit „Ich habe schon alles was ich brauche“ antwortet. Habt ihr Ideen?
Find the idea of Wiesel with the lingerie good, but would give less a voucher but rather go shopping as he might otherwise think he only gets the voucher so that you can buy something. What creative as an insider would also be an idea if less sexual should be. My friend, for example, has a forest, so she has built a miniature forest of chocolate and so. As an advent calendar, there were a wooden box with a saw so that it could saw every door itself.
I’m sure he’s looking forward to something personal.
Since he already has everything, make a gift more beautiful. You!
Give him a lingerie voucher, go shopping with him and he’s looking for lingerie for you, which you wear in the evening (or else).
Makes together a city trip with accommodation