Was kann man noch verwenden wen man den Kaninchen Käfig Kanichenstreu reinmacht.?
Kaninchenstreu macht viel Dreck.Was gibt es das nicht so viel Dreck macht?
Gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen organischer und biologischer Evolution? Und was genau ist dessen Inhalt?
Mögt ihr Pferde, wenn ja, habt ihr vielleicht auch welche? LG, Holly
Viele Leute aus der DDR behaupten das sie Kaninchen gehabt haben die über 10 KG schwer waren ohne übergewichtig zu sein. Die waren fast 1 Meter lang. Aber wo bekomm man die in der heutigen Zeit? Bis nach Antwerpen wollte ich nicht fahren. Flixbus Fährt die Leute in den Tod und Bahn Streik dauernd. Deshalb…
Seit heute Morgen singt hier nun ein Vogel den ich noch nie gehört habe. Kann mir wer sagen zu wem diese penetrante und laute Stimme gehört? Da die anderen Vögel im Hintergrund nicht so laut sind weiß man denke ich welchen ich meine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1ifnvtJSb0
Hey, ich habe mit einem Freund ein Vogel ei in der Natur gefunden, im Wasser, wir haben auch nach dem Nest geguckt aber nichts gefunden, jetzt haben wir es mit nach Hause genommen, und wollen das es schlüpft, wie macht man das am besten, also wie baut man sowas, oder was muss ich mit dem…
Rabbits do not belong in cages. The movement-loving rabbits can thus develop behavioral disorders.
I keep my rabbits free in the apartment and have them laid out with individual carpets. Only the toilets have litter. If you spread a fat layer of straw over it, the stray does not stick to the fur.
Rabbits should not actually be kept in the stables they live from nature out. But try with straw
Hello 🙋🏽
Rabbits must not be kept in cages. You can get serious mental problems because they can’t move properly. Rabbits have to jump and hit hooks. You need a walk of at least 6m2 and at least one fellow.
Alternatively, you can also take straw that I always do with my rabbits. I’m sorry to have to tell you about hay as a litter as it gets eaten quickly.
But you have to live with that shit when you get animals.
I hope I could help you
Rabbits not locked in or in small cages such as these: BALDO FLAT 100 x 53 x 46 cm : Amazon.de: Pet or even alone in this (without further discharge): Pawhut double-storey rabbit stable with barrel, rabbit cage, rabbit stable, solid wood, grey, black, 108 x 45 x 78 cm : Amazon.de: Pet
Please make sure your rabbits have enough space (A minimum area of6m2 floor area for two rabbits (each additional + 20% floor area)prescribe the previously published requirements of the Veterinary Association for Animal Protection (TVT).
I recommend taking straw, this doesn’t make much dirt.
Greetings and I hope I could help you
MysticCoal and the four Hoppler🐇🐇🐇🐇
Straw and heu (which they should have 24/7 in the enclosure) still goes, but is not much cleaner either. Why do you want something clean? I mean, if you keep rabbits, you should get dressed up with that, too.
Or do I get it wrong? In how far it makes even more dirt
Rabbits should never be kept individually or in no cage.
There’s no cage big enough for two rabbits.
We keep our two rabbits free in our 40 sqm living room.
In addition, our living room has a cage base with a size of 160 x 80 cm.
There are two pottery water bowls with Volvic (almost no calcium), one litter, 50 liters Hugro hemp litter (a half sack) and a bag with 35 liters Bunny Bedding Linum (Leinen Naturstreu) and two bags Erich Klas Bio-Heu à 1,250 g.
The hemp litter and the Bunny Bedding Linum are extremely low in dust.
In addition, we still have a budding box.
We give green food from the Eco Shop and Bio-Heu every day.
Of course, the water is also renewed every day.
Once a week, the complete cage bottom shell is completely emptied and cleaned.