Was kann man mit diesem Studium machen?

Hey Leute,

ich bin 14 Jahre alt und überlege gerade welche Berufe etwas für mich wären. Ich interessiere mich wahnsinnig für alte Geschichte (Antike/Römisches Reich/Mythen/ect.) und habe etwas von dem Studium alte-Geschichte gehört. Das wäre voll etwas für mich, jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher welche Berufe ich damit ausüben kann. Also wollte ich mal fragen, ob ihr eine Idee habt welche Berufe/Wege man damit beschreiten kann.

Schonmal danke im Voraus 👍

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9 months ago

You can work as a historical researcher, museums, teaching at university, as a historical consultant for film productions and much more. There are not so few jobs for historians against the cliché.

9 months ago

Unfortunately, there is not much need for the labour market.
And in the jobs that are actually there, there are always huge masses of applicants because there are so many job-seekers.
With so much competition, the chances of a job are rather bad for everyone.

I would rather recommend you to look for a direction for your professional future for which there is enough need for the labour market so that you can surely find a job and earn your living.

ancient history (Antique/Roman Empire/Myths/ect.)“you can also work very well in your spare time.

9 months ago

History teacher, Latin + Greek teacher.

If you’re at the top, you can do the Dr. and stay in research.