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1 year ago

Use spam filters. Possibly greylisting on the MTA, which allows 99% of all botnet emails to bounce effectively, with minimal effort for the server. Using rDNS to make sure that sending server is also the one that he specifies. However, what is already done by most MTAs. Do not accept mail from dynamic addresses – although now also commercially available. Then check against RBLs and finally check on spam-typical identifiers of incoming mails.

However, all these measures should be carried out by the mail server, not by the recipient.

The recipient can do this to protect against spam: choose an email provider that allows recipient delimiters, and then use them consistently when an email address is output. Preferably, such that it is possible to derive from any spam to which the address was originally given.

1 year ago
Reply to  magicalenergy

No cause.

1 year ago

Basically, it is bad to use freemail addresses, so Gmail, GMX, Yahoo etc. Not only do these providers scan your mails to show you advertisements about your interests. There are companies that block such sender domains or only forward them to their employees in a delayed manner.

Better is your own maildomain at a professional provider like Ionos, Strato or Host Europe. This costs a few euros a month, but offers you full control over your mailbox.

There you can create a handful of real email mailboxes and always use your own email forwarding address for registrations on websites and online shops. If you get spam in, you only have to delete the respective forwarding address and create a new one for this website / Onlienshop.

I’ve been working like this for over 20 years and have my mailboxes free.