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Smegma consists mainly of dead skin cells. Since they remain under the foreskin, this “smegma” is created. You can’t do anything about it. Either you remove the foreskin or you wash the penis every day – even under the foreskin naturally. Then the skin cells are removed.
I wash my Glans in the morning and in the evening and after every use. M
Wash every day (of course also under the foreskin)…
Always wash.
Wash or cut regularly.
Washing and not playing around so much.
Wash morning and evening, even under the foretaste.
Let’s cut
What a fool…
Bullshit? No smegma. It’s just the question if you want it. I’m cut and find it practical.
But because there is no smegma left
Everyone decides about his body. Such a classification is not available to outsiders.
A medically unindicated circumcision is bullshit…
Of course there is also the possibility
You can also just start washing 😅
Wash regularly.
I do every 2 days
Igitt, no wonder you have problems with Smegma.
2 matches I express
Horn zip can not express
And you can’t express
But not at the beginning of the member
Are on the acorn under the foreskin 🤷
They do not grow under the skin
Yes, it can also be horny. Google
They are white
However, can also be horns that would be normal and has almost every boy/man
Well it’s just small white pickles under the front skin or at the beginning of the member there is enough washing not there I have to vllt to the urolog
You should wash your day and shower (even the intimate area)
I had to wash myself every day and shower every third day
Obviously it’s not enough for you. If there were enough hygiene, there would be no question.
Every 2 days is not really bad