Was kann man gegen Schmerzen im unteren Rücken machen?

Ich habe vor ungefähr 4 Tagen meinen Rücken knacken gelassen und seitdem tut das richtig weh. Ich merke das vorallem, wenn ich Sport mache und das fühlt sich dann wie einen Hexenschuss an. Soll ich zum Arzt gehen oder gibt es da auch so einfachere Dinge, die man tun kann z.B. eine Wärmeflasche verwenden?

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10 months ago

I think the heat helps you – heat bottle for a moment that cools out too quickly and you can’t take it so easy.

I think a heat plaster will help you. Can you buy cheap at Amazon and expensive in the pharmacy or DM/Rossmann.

Otherwise an Ibu for the moment. In the evening also a warm bath.

10 months ago

Yes, warmth should relax the muscles. Bearing bottle, infrared lamp, sports ointment or heat plaster you can try.

10 months ago

Warmth, little move, blackroll and rest.

Then workout more on lower back and hull stabilization. It’s very important.

10 months ago

Heat bottle goes. If it doesn’t go, go to the doctor. Such pain can be prevented if you train your back and belly and stabilize the hull.

10 months ago


10 months ago

Heat can help well.

Otherwise, physiotherapy, spinal gymnastics, yoga, acupuncture, acupuncture etc.

You have to try it. If it doesn’t get better, the orthopaedic should look at it.