Was kann man gegen Paranoia machen?

Hallo. Ich bin sehr Paranoid. jedesmal wenn ich draußen bin denke ich jedes Auto das an mir vorbei fährt möchte mich entführen, jeder Mann der an mir vorbei läuft möchte mir was böses und jemand ist hinter mir und wartet nur darauf bis ich unachtsam bin um mich zu erschlagen oder anzugreifen.

Ich denke auch manchmal Familienmitglieder wollen mir insgeheim schaden. Und ich stell mir das dann vor also mir kommen Bilder in den Kopf wie ein Familienmitglied mich erstechen will oder vergiften oder so.

Ich interpretiere auch immer Dinge irgendwo rein. Letztens saß ne Wespe auf dem Schloss wo man den Code für die Garage eingeben kann und ich dachte das soll mich davon abhalten 125er zu fahren weil ich sonst sterbe. Ich treffe mich heute mit ner bekannten und hab Angst sie will mich umbringen oder mich an nen Kinderhändler verkaufen.

So geht es mir fast jeden Tag.

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7 months ago

It sounds like more serious symptoms, and I think you should consult a doctor to let that go.

Depending on what you have, you can do different things. For example, try to suppress the paranoia with drugs or something.

7 months ago
Reply to  Heyy123431

That’s what I described below as you should do. Home doctor, then transfer.

7 months ago

I thought I was already;-)

7 months ago

Because people with paranoid personality disorder are so prudent and suspicious, doctors often have problems building a cooperative relationship with them in mutual respect.

With a paranoid personality disorder, no treatment is really effective. However, if people agree to participate, cognitive behavioral therapy could be useful.

They only trust others, because the information could be used against them.

People with paranoid personality disorder do not like to trust and also do not develop close relationships with others because they are afraid of everything they reveal themselves could be used against them.

I don’t know if I can believe you.

7 months ago
Reply to  Heyy123431

You say I’m very paranoid.

I call it: paranoid personality disorder.

There’s not really a difference.

7 months ago

A therapy can be done against it.

7 months ago

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7 months ago
Reply to  Heyy123431

Yes, there are thousands of doctors in your country where you are

7 months ago

First go to your family doctor or to a general doctor or intern if you don’t have a home doctor.

Signs on the phone your paranoia, also call a few details.

You should get a date relatively quickly. The doctor can send you a transfer. If this is an emergency transfer, you’ll get an appointment very quickly. If you don’t, you’ll sign up where you call your symptom, so they can also assess how urgent this is.

That sounds urgent to me, so I think if you do, you should get appointments soon.