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There are ointments and drops. It is important that the eye is well moistened, so artificial tears. Put cloths soaked with black tea for 20 minutes and close your eyes.
Will I do, thank you
For viral and bacterial conjunctitis, only medications prescribed by the ophthalmologist help.
In case of allergic conjunctivitis, you can advise yourself in the pharmacy to free-command eye drops.
What kind of conjunctivitis is yours?
Viral and bacterial
It must be treated by the ophthalmologist. There’s nothing free for that.
If the inflammation is not treated in time, the disease can spread to the cornea and form ulcers there. This can become dangerous for your eyes and vision.
Do I have to go to the ophthalmologist?
You could take eye drops that I always take when I have conjunctivitis 🙂
Is much better than yesterday, is just a little red otherwise all top
pharmacy and get appropriate eye drops, the pharmacist advises you
There is only go to the doctor. Because that’s an ignition that needs to be treated. It’s not different. You need a drug. That’s what your ophthalmologist tells you.
Write to the doctor and eye drops. Not available