Was kann man für eine strafe kriegen wenn man mit 14 ohne roller führerschein roller fährt der knappe 130kmh fährt?
Moin ich bin letztens mit meinem roller gefahren und aufeinmal kam mir polizei endgegen, dan bin ich schnell mit 120kmh weg gefahren und dan ist mir mein sprit leer gegangen und die polizei hat mich gefunden, was für eine strafe kann ich bekommen? Danke an alle antworten!
A penalty for driving with the scooter without having a driving permit for it will be Imprisonment punished up to one year or fine (see § 21 para. 1 StVG). If the act is § 21 para. 1 StVG of Article 21 Paragraph 2 1 StVG negligent is followed by a prison sentence up to 6 months or fine with up to 180 daily rates. It is therefore a Crime!
They are 14 years old, after StGB already indebted. However, the penalty is not after Adult criminal lawbut here comes the Youth criminal law for use. In juvenile criminal law, other sanctions apply than in adult criminal law!
A punishment in the form of Social hours. But it would also be Youth remnant (=short-term free movement measure). However, this is at the discretion of the judge or judge!
Best regards
There are no fines in juvenile justice.
Corrected. Thanks for the hint!
Best regards
Hello, if you’ve read the answer from “ChaosLeopard” you’re referring to what’s coming up with your previous behavior and if the judge knows you it’ll be fun.
This is in §21 Road Transport Act:
There’s a lot more to help with you because you’re only 14. I think there is a fine and/or social hours.
chill will be…
I’m just wondering how you’re coming to Tempo 120 with the scooter. It’s probably a pretty grown-up motorcycle.
The punishments have already been mentioned here. If you are underage and are not yet prejudicial, you probably come with a blue eye of it, but you might also find that you have endangered your life and others in an extreme way.
To do this, I type a ticket lock of 6-12 months.
Driving without a driving license is a crime, with 14 you are criminal. So there’s something.
If it’s okay, you can also make the driver’s license later.
I think driving licence lock up to 21.
probably social hours
will not be so wild
What would be the legal basis for a seven-year isolated blocking period?
that is still from my youth when one has done something like that has given him the ne lock up until 21
we do not know whether this is comparable
think that would be the worst case
You’ll have to decide if you believe in the Criminal Code or any people.
Then don’t understand why I’ve been raining with a longer bulk. do they all tell me?
haha nice 😀
The oldest version of the StGB, which I find spontaneously online, dates back to 1953. The possible blocking period has been between six months and five years since.
If it were this fancy lock up until 21, it would be a free letter for all 20,x-year-olds to leave the heels again before the birthday, they would have nothing to fear.
ok this is interesting
do you know that well?
I still got the one who really waited until 21.
may of course be that he lied or understood what was wrong.
especially because my driving instructor has met so ne aussage that lock up until 21. It is possible to impose years of life. (we were all over 16)
In your youth, too, the highest was five years. There was and there is only the life barrier.
Penalty, points and driving licence
How high is such a fine in juvenile justice, where there are no fines, because usually?
No, juvenile justice.
You’re right.