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Hello walmmist!
After a longer break on the subject of homeopathy, which is discussed very controversially here, I will speak again.
Much can be done wrong when it comes to using homeopathy.
Choosing the wrong homeopathic remedy can lead to a lack of or insufficient effect. It is important to select the means according to the individual symptoms and the overall situation of the patient.
The dosage can be decisive. Too low concentrations can be ineffective while excessive concentrations can cause undesirable reactions.
lay people tend to diagnose and treat their symptoms themselves, which can lead to wrong decisions. Often technical advice is necessary.
In the case of serious diseases, the sole trust in homeopathy can be dangerous if necessary medical treatments are neglected.
Homeopathic means often take time to work. An early termination of the treatment can give the impression that homeopathy does not shake.
Lack of knowledge about the basics of homeopathy and their application can lead to misunderstandings and false expectations.
⚠️ Advice by a qualified homeopath is always advisable in the use of homeopathy.
But the effectiveness of the placebo on health cannot be underestimated.
“Belief places mountains”, which also applies to self-healing. Placebo effects are real changes that can be detected in the brain. Especially in the area of pain reduction, amazing effects could be demonstrated.
Greetings! sarcasia
In taking less much, but in production can happen a lot. For homeopathy, highly toxic substances are used, for example arsenic, mercury or snake poison.
A lot. This begins with the fact that one is unable to distinguish between the various types of homeopathy; such as classical homeopathy, school-medical homeopathy, homeopathy with high potency or homoeopathy with nosodes.
Because it consists of 100% sugar: nothing.
No matter what shamanic rituals you do with it before taking, it just remains sugar. Accordingly, you can design your séances as you want.
The greatest danger is that this will prevent evidence-based medical treatment. In other words, who has a serious illness should go to a real doctor and not to a globuli shaman.
The biggest mistake is to believe sugar beads with a hint of oils would cause something.
The biggest mistake in homeopathy? Sometimes people think that you can suddenly save the world with a sugarball. Sure, why not? Just throw a few globuli, swing a little water and – zack – the knee feels like new! Who needs antibiotics if you can take a pinch of ‘undiluted magic’?
On the contrary, the magic is extremely thin and thus acts much better ☝️
And I ride every night on unicorns ☝️
That’s what I’m looking forward to hearing
The funny thing about this is that my mother Rudolf Steiner found great and we were also treated with sugar balls at home. My first child then also and then I started questioning. My son was allowed to grow free of kugerl 😉
How great that we all have our individual fantasy world, for which there are no scientific evidence, 😊
This is nice for you 🌈
Believe it helps!