Was kann man backen, was nicht zu schwer und nicht zu einfach ist?
meine Freundin und ich möchten morgen nach der Schule backen und haben keine Idee was wir backen können.
wir wollen nicht so ein einfachen Kuchen aber auch kein schweren Kuchen haben.
Kekse gehen auch
Mushroom cookies.
mix, wrap in a freshening film, leave for 1 hour in a refrigerator. Roll out with the noodle, cut out or cut out. Bake all on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes in hot air in the oven until it has the desired degree of browning.
Strawberry cake corresponding to the season
Save for life:
The only true thing is a marble cake.
Everyone eats it.
From your American motherfucker, Donuts say goodbye to you
Now I want donuts! 🤤🍩
Was it with me in Bavaria, too, fried in fat. Really?
So our “kiachel” were fried in black malt, or
All right, you could stick to what you want.
Puder sugar was the highest.
Good inside was with or without rusts
Huh? Now suddenly or how? 🤔 Naja, halal should be Donuts already. So without alcohol and pork. Vegan doesn’t have to.
They’re not like my mother. Well, they weren’t vegan, hi or anything. But horny
I’ll buy some. ☺️
No, it wasn’t in Bavaria. And only for holidays
Nicely colorful, please. 😋
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