Was kann man aus modelliermasse machen?
Habt ihr irgendwelche Ideen was ich aus modelliermasse machen kann. Z.B Ideen für Figuren oder andere coole Sachen. Danke in vorraus.
Habt ihr irgendwelche Ideen was ich aus modelliermasse machen kann. Z.B Ideen für Figuren oder andere coole Sachen. Danke in vorraus.
Oder was fühlt ihr?
Moin, Ich mache in der Schlue ein Epoxidharz tisch. Ich weiss nur nicht was ich für ein Lack/Versiegelung (für epoxidharz) nehmen soll.
Sehen diese im folgenden Kurzvideo hübsch aus? Warum zeigen sie sich mit verbundenen Augen? Was meint ihr? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wds40BY1dDs
Ich spreche von Bildern, die man selbst gemalt hat , und die dann in einer Mappe landen, was man damit machen kann.
Habe hier ein Bild bekomme kenne mich leider damit nicht aus kennt es jemand zufällig und weiß wie viel wert es ist. Es sollte Antike sein
Yes, there are many ideas you can make of modelling material! Here are some suggestions:
1. You can form different animals from modelling mass, such as dogs, cats, birds or exotic animals such as elephants or monkeys.
Two. Form various foods from modelling compound, such as fruit, vegetables, pizza or cake. You can also add small details such as berries or strays to make your creations even more realistic.
3. You can also shape figures from modelling mass, such as superheroes, dancers or also feature film figures.
4. Try to shape different flowers such as roses, tulips or sunflowers from modelling compound. You can also create whole bouquets or rocks.
Five. You can shape jewelry such as bracelets, rings or pendants from modeling material. Depending on the type of modeling composition, you can also add beads or other decorative elements.
6. You can also form various decorative elements such as candle holders, vases or sculptures from modelling material. These can be designed in different colors and shapes to suit your personal style.
These are just some ideas, but you can let your imagination run free and become creative! Remember that you can create very detailed and realistic creations with modelling mass, so don’t be afraid to try new techniques and improve your skills.
720 modelling compound ideas in 2023 on pinterest there are many excitations
Handmade ceramics inspires me. I like to create ceramic sculptures, garden furniture and garden decoration. Freely modeled ceramic birds give me great pleasure as every bird is different. A lot is created by your own imagination. Maybe good music brings you to the flow? When I’m active in the art studio, a lot of new things arise through experimenting….
Let yourself be inspired by my pottery:
More ideas and crafts can be found in my Etsy onlineShop:
Vllt any animals,rings or nh horny Bigmac joa have no idea so really
Otherwise you can look at Pinterest there you can always find something