Was kann man als Pädagoge machen?

ich überlege in diese Richtung zu gehen. Was kann man sonst tun außer in einer Kita als Erzieherin zu arbeiten? Kann man auch im Büro arbeiten? Muss man allgemein eine spezielle Ausbildung machen um als Pädagoge betitelt zu werden?

Es wäre lieb wenn ihr mir viele (außergewöhnliche) Ideen anbieten würdet eventuell auch welche bei denen man auch Arbeitsgerecht verdient :))

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6 months ago


Apparently, it depends on the “Pädagogen”. Social pedagogue, apprenticeship, other type/variant?

There must also be a place. Or you get into work or you get started in work. You can also work in compartment-like areas. There’s something in the way of education.

Of course you can work in the office. Many of my colleagues work in the office. I am working more at HomeOffice.

Well, you won’t be starving. As long as you have earned more than the minimum wage, more than unemployed, pupils, students, deprivation pensioners and co., you can survive anyway. Only greedy after the money, is the wrong attitude. There would be people who are so hired to find nothing.

For the purpose of merit, it is logically also the employer. If you have professional experience, you deserve more. From age x more. In the case of a business relationship according to tariff xyz also more. That’s normal.

Colleagues of mine earn net full-time between €2200-2600 This is more than sufficient. The line deserves much more, but is also much older, etc.

You can also earn a lot as a teacher. These educators are also starving

My former senior student directors and senior senior university directors just flew the money around my ears. Even though they have been there forever and ages, income is much too high and more than you need for LEBEN.

An uncle of mine is also a teacher, married, with house, car, and co. If you were to nag on a famine, you could not afford it.

Various professions overlap.
Look here, there’s a lot written here:

6 months ago

Regarding salary: depending on where you live. In Germany, as a teacher, you are quite dressed in Austria sometimes. Switzerland no idea.

You can work in some areas: youth welfare there is: WG for children, for children with disabilities. Special measures. Sometimes on the children’s psychic. In own institutions as a teacher in the gym. There are animation, youth centers, many carriers offer a variety of support.

6 months ago
Reply to  Leloo828282

Education or studies