Was kann ich zum Büro-Vorstellungsgespräch anziehen dass man keine Nippel sieht (trage nie BH)?

Was zieht man denn da am Besten an? Kann BHs nicht tragen. Ist mir zu unangenehm. Auch nicht als Ausnahme. Schließlich muss ich dann ja auch damit arbeiten im Büro. Das geht nicht.

Bei weißen Blusen sieht man die Nippel. Im Sommer kann ich ja Blazer drüber ziehen.

Aber im Winter habe ich ja die Winterjacke an. Und die ziehe ich ja zum Vorstellungsgespräch aus.

Was ziehe ich beim Vorstellungsgespräch an, bzw. zum Arbeiten im Büro (ist mit hochrangigem Kundenkontakt, daher muss ich sehr gepflegt sein)

Das ist eine ernsthafte Frage- ich möchte damit keinen Sexpartner suchen oder dergleichen.

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1 month ago

How else do you do it in everyday life? You will certainly go among people without formal occasion, so you already have strategies.

1 month ago
Reply to  Walnussin

Don’t dress up. Maybe Blazer would be something for you in different nuances. They belong to the outfit and can be kept for this reason. The fabric must fit well to the rest, but otherwise the visibility problem would be solved 🙂

Is only one of many possibilities, but at least worth considering

1 month ago

Oh how beautiful 🫶 Congratulations on finding!

Then it’s just to wish you a lot of joy and success in the interview. Happy for you 💜

(And thank you very much for the star 🥹)

1 month ago

There are nipple tape or nipple cover. Tape should be natural and the covers are made of skin-friendly silicone and are reusable

1 month ago

The classic undershirt would be an option. There are now also less creepy than fine rib ;). Or can you get friends with Bustiers instead of BH? Or how about a body?

Why don’t you just go to a laundry store, let yourself be advised and try the different options just to see what a convenient solution for you!

1 month ago
Reply to  Walnussin

Undershirts are also in the form of slightly tightly attached T-shirts, at the latest in the men’s area. One thing my husband has for the white shirt for his suit, because it doesn’t get so good for men, when the white shirt shows the chest hair and nipples :). This is made of a very beautiful, breathable fabric, nowhere in the snow, does not feel like “worst pelle”, but is really “like a second skin”. I think there’s something like that for women. And if not, you just buy one in the men’s department :).

1 month ago

A top under the blouse or a breasttape


with a white blouse skin colours take

1 month ago
Reply to  Margita1881

I thought about red. Anyway, I wear red under white blouses and you don’t see anything. In beige I have nothing…

1 month ago
Reply to  MaMaStef


is an aggressive color; She wants to be noticed/stimulated….not for free it is red light milleu and not beigemilleu.

In Beige, I have nothing…

Well, it’s not about you, you can walk around like you want; You must have no high-level customer contact.

Old rule: Under white trousers, blouses never wear colored underwear (for trousers no white underwear, you can also see through) that shine through.

If the FS is the job – with high-level customer contact – does not want, it can of course wear red

1 month ago

On the same page there is the following (besides your proposal of “white”)

For example, you could wear weak gray or red underwear under white clothes. Or choose a slightly pink color if you have a bright skin tone. These colors seem much less through than colors like black and white. The most important thing when wearing colors under white clothing is that you choose a color that suits your skin tone, as the color contrast is not that big.

Source: https://www.hunkemoller.de/unterwaesche/unterwaesche-unter-weisserkleidung

1 month ago

Under the white blouse a red top is not visible. How would it be aggressive? You have misunderstood

1 month ago

The color red under white is actually so

1 month ago

A chic knit sweater?

1 month ago
Reply to  Losona

They are also made of viscose with very fine knit.

1 month ago
Reply to  Losona

And I don’t get bras too bad and avoid them where it’s going.

1 month ago
Reply to  Walnussin

Black or silvery shimmering and you need a longer chain on it, which goes far beyond the key legs, so not to the belly beak.

The sweaters are also available with various cutouts and sometimes such a woven middle seam, which I find also chic. Or some lurex in there if you do.

1 month ago

What could go: Above the white blouse a chic vest, possibly even with needle strips.


Passer for a business is hardly possible 🙂

1 month ago

Or you’re wearing cloths that are so draped that the nipples “shrink”. There are so many choices and possibilities.

Some even wear very narrow knits made of heavy yarn, usually silvery. When you turn them around the neck and run down to the left and right, they hang very suitable.