Was kann ich tun, damit mich Vogelgezwitscher nicht stört?
Guten Tag,
wir haben in unserem Garten unmengen an Vögeln, ich übertreibe nicht.
Das Gezwitscher weckt mich jetzt nicht auf, oder so, denn ich trage immer Ohrstöpsel nachts, da mein Vater wirklich sehr sehr laut schnarcht. Er schnarcht oft auch mittags und dann mache ich auch Ohrstöpsel rein, wenn ich lernen muss, z.B. und weil es mich irgendwie extrem aggressiv macht.
Ich möchte das Gezwitscher ja nicht komplett beenden, das Problem ist nur, dass unter meinem Fenster direkt der Baum ist, auf dem immer 5 bis 7 Stück sitzen. Schneiden darf ich ihn nicht. Ich wackle dann immer an dem Baum, dann habe ich ca. 10 Minuten ruhe, bzw. die Vögel sitzen dann 3-4m weiter und zwitschern fröhlich vor sich hin und da stört es mich ja auch gar nicht.
Die Frage ist jetzt also, wie bekomme ich die Vögel dazu ein paar Meter weiter zu zwitschern, ohne den Baum zu schneiden.
Wir hängen da auch kein Vogelfutter mehr rein, wir hängen immer Futter raus und das ist ca. 10 Meter weg von dem Baum, aber diesen Baum scheinen sie irgendwie zu lieben, ich habe bevor ich an dem Baum gewackelt habe gründlich geschaut, ob da ein Nest drin ist und es ist keins da.
Mein Fenster ist zu, aber die Vögel sind wirklich 1m vor dem Fenster und es tut echt in den Ohren weh.
Ohrstöpsel will ich nicht rein machen, weil ich fast schon 24/7 Ohrstöpsel trage und auch schon schmerzen bekommen habe in den Ohren und meine Ohrenärztin meinte, ich solle mich bei der Nutzung etwas zurück nehmen, am besten sollte ich sie nur nachts tragen meinte sie.
Weiß eventuell jemand, wie ich den Vöglein die anderen Bäume und Büsche im Garten schmackhafter machen kann? Das Vogelfutter ist wie gesagt schon umgehängt, schon seit ca. einem Jahr hängt in dem Baum kein Futter mehr.
Sonst bin ich froh, dass wir so viele Vögel im Garten haben, im Sommer auf der Terrasse ist es immer schön, man kann wirklich auch viele verschiedene Vögel hören und wir probieren öfter mit Hilfe von Youtube sie am Gesang zu erkennen.
Ich wünschte nur sie wären nicht ganz so dicht an meinem Fenster :).
And I always rejoice over the whip of birds we also have many. But well, probably not everyone… but if that bothers you, hang a few CD’s where you don’t need more and put a plastic raven on the tree. Raben usually do not attack birds directly, young birds and the plundering of nests belongs to the menu. That’s what scares birds back. Just like the CD’s weeping them. Whether this is going to be a lasting thing or if the birds can get used to it at some point, I don’t know an attempt, it’s worth it if it bothers you.
What kind of birds are they? Are there always the same birds or even different ones that bother you? At what time do they use the tree and when does it bother you most?
Interestingly, you mention this with your father. Maybe it’s worth looking more closely. Why does your father snore so much and so loud? Did you ever talk to him about it? Maybe the birds wouldn’t bother you if the snoring thing wasn’t so bad? Just because the snoring makes you so aggressive, it’s worth going on. Why are you getting aggressive when you hear the snoring?
If your window is only 1m away from the tree, then put the greatest enemy of the smaller birds, the sperber, as an attractor on your window board. Maybe a very good photo in original size is enough? Also a plush cat (which looks natural). I also found the idea with the playing of predatory calls (Sperber or Habicht). It is important in these methods of burial that the irregular take place so that the birds cannot get used to it. If the cat / the sperber / the predatory bird call are there and not at all, then the bird may be too insecure in the long term and they will avoid it. First of all, I would advise you to find out when the birds use the place most and then to bury it right at that time.
Good luck!
There are silhouettes of prey birds that can be glued to the window pane so that birds do not fly into the pane. You can buy it in any building market.
Perhaps the remedy.
You can set up predatory bands or hang out CDs or flatter bands.
Every now and then you have to change the “thread” or get used to it.
Why do you wear 24/7 earplugs? Are you so sensitive to noise?
Yeah, pretty. I can only wear at night.
You should use another room for learning.
One where you can’t hear the birds.
Best regards
What could help is if you hang things in the tree shining and moving in the wind, and most likely cause a cracker or quickening
Right! Lametta and such balls, even Christmas tree decoration helps safely and you could add colorful LED light chains. And that looks fucked.
Sleeping trees are chosen by birds because they seem safe. In these, the precinct/balt whip takes place at sunrise.
Ergo: Make the tree unsure, say simulate an enemy. bring in an oversized crow; loudspeakers that give the scream of a habitat irregularly from themselves etc. (although the latter would probably also disturb your sleep) ;oP
Haha, then I put the whip through other bird sounds ^^
Only with the difference that you could turn off the electronic sound after a few days.
Some have set up plastic trenches, don’t know if it helps or something that triggers a sound that she’s devastating.
What is disturbing about nature?
Close the window and good. I’m happy when two redheads are sitting on the window bench in the herbal box in the morning.
I don’t think you’ve read my question completely.
But I just don’t understand your problem. It is a bird whip not a compressed air hammer or a runway at the airport.
@Ma10ddin: Thank you – I see it as you, so I spare an answer here. My “guests” also include 2 pigeons – I love them all…;)
So I find it good that I hardly hear the cars, but the birds.
It would be bad if I hadn’t heard the birds from habit, but the car noise would be annoyed.
What I find sad is that you want to express your feeling to everyone other than the “one right one”.
(I hope you realize the difference between “That’s sad” and “I think that’s sad” the second only expresses your opinion, the first one evaluates the other.)
What is very sad is that you no longer perceive unnatural sounds and feel natural noises as disturbing.
There’s nothing wrong with that, but you can’t determine it for everyone.
MICH doesn’t bother, for example, permanent dog gang, but that’s why I don’t expect anyone to bother it.
It’s always the question of how to grow up, what sounds you used to be.
For example, I hear the birds from the back of the garden louder than the cars on the street, although I sit right next to the window to the street.
I hardly took the cars, but the birds I hear clearly.
So I’ve got redheads, moths, sparrows, hedgehogs, eclipse, dome in the garden. To this end, a buck-buster that regularly draws its circles, several spruce (bunt and green spruce) and house-red tails. There’s nothing wrong with that, on the contrary.
Every bird sounds different, and some tweaking extremely loud and monotonous, I can already understand that one is at some point excited, even if I don’t feel that way, but I can understand that a permanent loud sound can really nerve.
This is a great page, thank you very much!
Pull into the basement, you have problems.