Was kann ich tun?

Hey, ich zeichne schon seit längerem sehr gerne. Meistens gucke ich mir immer ein Tutorial an und zeichne es dann nach(natürlich verkaufe ich es nicht).

Nur wenn ich versuche selbst etwas zu zeichnen ohne Tutorial oder so dann sieht es einfach nicht schön aus. Manchmal fällt mir nicht mal was ein was ich zeichnen könnte.

Ich würde einfach so gerne mal selber etwas schönes zeichnen. 🙁

Hat jemand Tipps?

Danke schonmal im voraus ☺️


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11 months ago

Pure exercise, it is best if you first look for a model, no matter what exactly, whether a flower, or a animal, or a certain character, you can think out completely about nen fables or ne elf, so what is known. So and on the one model really stayed a couple of days, try to take soft pencils first because you can weigh the well, so can first practice the basic lines, proportion is the a and o then come shadows and light, if you can put the good picture together, it is also quite useful to deal with something like the escape point and other small scratches.

11 months ago

I can tell you how I started.

At first, I was just like you. You learn from others with tutorials and traces (yes, traces is ok (and I would also claim to be necessary as you get first knowledge of the line course and light incident) if it is only used as a practice.)

Start with a simple motif that has a simple perspective, has a well-recognisable light incidence and which can be easily divided into basicshapes. Of course you can think of something. Dragon heads, for example, are a very good exercise to get a feeling for sharing. The head generally consists of a circle and a rectangle of different width and length.

For the sketch, you will best take a pencil of strength H, so that you can later more easily weigh/paint it.

Then stay on your chosen motive for several days and practice with it.

If you want to draw people/beings, the so-called Line of action important. It serves as a basis for the basicshapes. This helps you with the perspective and your drawings look less stiff.

In the case of space drawings, the method with the flue point: All lines run to one point.

Important points of reference:

-Use 3D objects as basic forms. 2D shapes usually help only in the side or front view. 3⁄4 perspective, for example, becomes difficult. That’s why it’s better to work with 3D basicshapes.

-When you paint shade/fall of light, draw a point on your paper. Imagine from this point comes the light (e.g. in the form of a sun). Then look at your object. Where does the object cast shadow, where is the brightest place? Remember to follow the contours and shapes of your model during the shadow drawing (for a circle, therefore, no angular shadow). Shade animals are only light, the darkest places are finally stressed.

– Take care of the pressure. With loose, curved lines, the movement comes from the elbow or from the loose wrist. Hard lines/outer lines are also drawn more slowly than soft. Apply little pressure during the first times, otherwise it becomes difficult to correct errors.

– You should look at the anatomy. How is the skeleton built, where are the muscles and what shape do they have?

P.S: I also recommend the Line of Action page if you don’t know what you want to draw. The human models will help you with the propositions.

LG Salty

11 months ago


I draw a lot myself and I only know that too well.

First, it’s not bad at all, you have to be able to.

Secondly, as has been said everlastingly, practice makes the Master.

What you can do to get inspiration:

  • Watching the Internet (Ispirier isn’t like recording)
  • Just look out the window
  • Read books
  • Knives

So it looks good:

  1. Draw the outlines before
  2. Then you can try to bring form in
  3. Then the “finished” construct
  4. And finally the details

Don’t let yourself be discouraged if it doesn’t look like you first. Try again and again and stay on the subject. For example, you want to be able to draw horses well. Then don’t draw a horse on one day, and the next is a portrait. Draw various horses in different poses and soon you will notice that the structure is known to you and it always works better.

I said stay on it, but take a break in between. Maybe draw several horses and then put the drawing instruments away for a week or draw something else.

Then you can try it again with the horses and you will notice that it works better than the last time.

In the sense, drawing is also a bit like bodybuilding. The muscles do not grow large if they cannot regenerate and recover. The same is when drawing. If you always and again draw the same without breaks, it only brings that you are super frustrated.

I hope I could help you and have not too confused



10 months ago

Exercise is the master.

11 months ago

sign course.

best a well-built book.

with the “joy at drawing” it also works.

please do not cure online – because then you are only hanging on the handy or laptop and not at the thing, because you still like this and that and that one.