Was kann ich tun?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich lebe jetzt in Ägypten und in derZeit lerne ich deutsch Sprache,weil ich ausbildung in Deutschland machen will .So was kann ich tun , um erfolgreich in Deutschland zu sein
Mein Traum ist in Deutschland zu leben und dort arbeiten. Ich weiß,dass in Deutschland man nicht Reich kann.aber ich bin sehr motiviert und habe viel optimistisch, um erfolgreich zu erreichen
So ich mochte Hinweisen darauf 😅
You need a visa. After that, you need to apply to nurses, elderly caregivers and the same are just looking for a lot. In craftsmanship and technology, as a foreigner, one can easily grasp.
It is hard to give you advice because probably the least of have tried to apply from a country other than Germany.
Learning further German is a good idea. Especially when you work with seniors it is important to master good German.
There are enough professions that need skilled workers in every case.To be successful in Germany is in principle achievable with a lot of education. In the social field, you will surely find it.
Look around here, this is the official website for foreign workers:
الآ و سهلف
Take any education you can get in Egypt. If you are extremely educated, you can also become rich in DE. In addition to a lot of ambition, this also includes living German culture to a certain degree – I speak of suit wearing and knowing habits.
Everyone can rip us off easily. You don’t even have to understand German.
Here’s all you need
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