Was kann ich tun?
Ich bin 23 Jahre alt und besuche derzeit einen Vollzeit Schulkurs von Montag bis Freitag, um meinen Abschluss nachzuholen. Aufgrund meiner Lernschwierigkeiten und meines Autismus muss ich oft doppelt so viel lernen wie andere, was mir wenig Zeit für Arbeit lässt. Da ich noch bei meinen Eltern und Geschwistern lebe, fällt es mir schwer, in Ruhe zu lernen, vor allem weil es oft Streit gibt und mein Autismus die Situation zusätzlich erschwert. Ich möchte gerne ausziehen, weiß aber nicht, wie ich das anstellen kann, da ich momentan nicht arbeiten kann und mich auf die Schule konzentrieren muss. Kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich eine Wohnung bekommen könnte und was ich dafür tun muss?
So either your parents are financing you an apartment. But don’t imagine – even if it doesn’t fit you at home right now – that’s not too easy. To keep a household, it’s already working if it’s not supposed to be polluted.
Or, but I don’t know how much your autism affects you, maybe even cared for living. You would have to deal with the relevant offices and doctors
I’d just see a supervised living for young adults at the moment if your problem gives it.
Otherwise, your parents have to finance you completely.
Thank you.
In your current situation, your parents would have to support you financially, which may not be possible to them. They offer you food and logie.
I have a tip for you:
You can use the city libraries to learn, many students do. There it is for many quieter than home.
Thank you.
Very much.🙂
Without a job it becomes difficult with your own apartment.
This would have to be paid to you by your parents.
I assume they won’t do this.
Why don’t you go to an autism therapy center to find out what possibilities there are for you?
Precious living for young adults, maybe that would be an option. Just make smart in your region.
Well, that’s how it didn’t get an apartment.
You have to have the money to pay, and you don’t have to pay for it directly.
But what’s going on is you’re looking for volunteers, he has no legal power over you, but can help you with something like looking for housing. All those I know have found the carers apartments have really good apartments.
Thank you.
Thanks to the CDU you can say goodbye to the thoughts with your own apartment. At the job center there are counseling points for young adults. As an alternative, there are also social workers and advisory bodies.
Thank you for your answer.