Was kann ich tun?
Wenn ich beim Tanzen bin habe ich immer mega angst und denke ich bin nicht gut genug.
und wenn sie die choreo dann mit musik durch gehen bleib ich meistens stehen weil ich so angst habe. meine tanzlehrerin läuft dann meistens hinter mir vorbei lägt ihre hand auf meine schulter und flüstert mir ins ohr : du schaffst das.
aber ich denke das es sie doch auch nervt wenn ich so angst habe und nicht richtig mitmache oder?
Hi, dear Leana. 🤗
Where is your self-confidence? You’ll tick it out very quickly.👍
Believe in yourself for the first time, then you will not stand with choreography.
You can do this….
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Huhu, dear Leana. Thank you very much. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ no more than no.
This is great that your dance teacher notices your uncertainty and strengthens you, gives you self-confidence,
You don’t need to be afraid, everyone makes mistakes, I danced 30 years 3 times a week and I had start-up difficulties.
She’s with you and she’s behind you.
If it was annoying, she would talk to you and talk about dancing.
Keep dancing and don’t doubt you. Of course you can.
Good for you.
Dance is so beautiful.
Keep trying, you’ll see how great dancing is.
Your dance teacher knows you’re afraid and encourage yourself by putting her hand on your shoulder.
Do not give up.Tanzen💃🏽 is one of the most beautiful sports, and also recognized.
LG Sky
During dancing and at the choreo exercise is the a and o. It’s better to dance even if it’s wrong to stop and stop dancing.
She’s a dance teacher and you’re a student. If you could do everything perfectly, you don’t need a teacher. So everyone is in the group and many are afraid to blamb or are uncertain. You’re here to learn. She can handle it and wants to give you courage.
so I mean
I don’t know if it helps, but I don’t know.
Just keep dancing normally, don’t let this thought take over your head. If you can ask, the teachers answer that. Of course
end the dance career
In shyness, this is the only true solution