Was kann ich noch Essen?
Hallo zusammen,
aufgrund von einigen Krankheiten darf ich kaum noch was essen, bzw ich weiß manchmal nicht was ich überhaupt noch essen kann, denn
ich darf kein
Zucker essen,
und somit auch keine Kohlenhydrate essen,
und Gluten darf ich auch nicht essen.
Meine frage , was bleibt denn da noch an essbarem über ?
Habt ihr vllt ein paar kleine Ideen Anregungen ?
Darüber würde ich mich freuen, anstatt wieder so weiter zu machen wie bisher.
Danke schön
Hello I’m almost like you, I can’t eat gluten and not really sugar (so I can eat something but not much ). Gluten-free products are many. Mostly, however, sugar is in the middle, I don’t know how strong you don’t get sugar. But always look at the ingredients at the back but what you can eat is:
-Reis, corn (after my calculations, corn would be sugar-free)
There are many things from Soya
I hope I could help you out I have mainly celiac disease and in many products sugar is in it, I unfortunately didn’t know how much you can’t eat sugar (so do not eat sugar or just not so much).
But best go to a nutritional advice that can certainly help you a little further.
LG Bisciutluna 🍪
Vegetables would be a good idea
This can be done a lot
Potatoes and rice
Carrots are possible.
Meat and eggs.
Milk products
broccoli, white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower
Tomatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers, mushrooms, onions
Sweet potatoes, eggplants, artichokes, peppers
Chicorè, Spinach…
nagut, spinach must not be
Why not a spinach?
I’ll take some green cabbage. But a nice list
Who likes to eat Spinat? How to get through, green and without consistency? Nothing to bite. You can hunt me since school.
Google times ketogenic diet.
I didn’t know the term
I had to google
Yes calorie is not Gerd
Yes, this is believed only carbohydrate poor diet