Was kann ich mut meiner Schwester machen?
Hallo Leute!
Meine Schwester will unbedingt etwas mit mir machen doch alles was ich ihr vorgeschlagen hab wie verstecken oder Uno hat sie abgelehnt. Es kann sein das es bald regnet also bitte idden für drausen und dirinen. Aja meine Schwester ist 8 und ich bin 12. Danke Bey ✌
I want your sister to suggest something.
I don’t care if I say anything
Then she’ll play alone until you think of something. She’s a fault. Apparently, she’s bored.
Then go to your grandma and tell her your sister doesn’t want to play with you because she refuses your suggestions and that you’re working on yourself now.
(Or you’ll help your grandma with anything.)
Yes, my parents or better told my grandma. Basically you’re right about everything you say, but it’s hard to implement, but there’s plenty for you
Trouble by your parents?
Your sister can whisper. You did what you could.
You’re right, but I don’t have a lust on jammerrei and trouble
Something with horses.
No more
bakes a cake
We did yesterday 😋