Was kann ich mit dem Gerät ( Teil der Packungsbeilage anbei ) messen?
Die Packungsbeilage ist in englisch und das kann ich nicht wirklich gut. Ich hatte eine Bekannte von mir gebeten, ein bestimmtes Messgerät für mich zu bestellen, von ihrem Konto zu bezahlen, dieses zu sich schicken zu lassen und mir zu geben, wenn es angekommen ist. Ich gab ihr Vorkasse für das Messgerät + Porto und 10,-€ für den Gefallen noch dazu. Dann hatten wir uns zerstritten. Sie brachte mir heute das Gerät und ich habe das Gefühl, dass es nicht das ist, was ich wollte. Also meine Frage lautet: was genau kann man mit dem Gerät messen? Auf der Verpackung steht auch „3 in 1“ drauf.
It’s a pulse oxymeter. This can measure the pulse and oxygen saturation.
No blood sugar?
No, blood sugar does not measure a pulse oxymeter.
The question has settled. At Amazon, the measuring instrument measures blood sugar levels. The device that has arrived does not measure the blood sugar level. In the meantime, I have read the reviews of several, cheated customers on trustpilot.
Unbelievable. She canceled the order and ordered a similar looking device and gave it to me. It should measure blood sugar levels. The name of the company is not on the cardboard.
The part shown is a pulse and oxygen content measuring instrument.
Can’t you measure blood sugar?
The question has settled. I just read about trustpilot reviews from scamed customers. The device is praised via Amazon as a blood sugar level meter. But it is not.
You’ll see your oxygen saturation and the pulse. You can take every finger in theory. It should be an index finger.
Hello AuntHaribo987👋
that is not a BZ measuring instrument.
A pulse meter that can measure the pulse, oxygen saturation, respiratory frequency, hemoglobin.
Breath frequency? Do you see this in oxygen saturation?
With this not : Maybe with the device that is obviously missing.
Figure 3.4.3 , RR screan: Respiratory rate (here 19)
So, blood sugar can’t be measured. That’s exactly what it should be. It will have canceled the order and ordered another device that looks similar. I can’t explain it differently. It also lacks the name of the company on the packaging from which it should order the device. We had made the order together.
No, blood sugar can’t be measured.
The question has settled. I just read the reviews of several cheated customers at trustpilot. This device is praised at Amazon as a blood sugar level meter. But it does not measure blood sugar levels.
It’s a pulse oxymeter.