Was kann ich meinem Freund zu Nikolaus schenken?
Also Nikolaus is jetzt eigentlich nichts all zu besonderes, allerdings sind wir direkt an Nikolaus 6 Moante zusammen und ich wollte ihm irgendwas schenken oder ihn überraschen. Was könnte ihm gefallen? (M/16)
Hall oils, How about an aftershave or a chocolate-Nikolaus or Pulli, a sauna voucher, a photo album with pictures of you. That’s not what I think of. I hope I could help tschüssi:)
Maybe a voucher for something you can make two? The cinema, food, chocolate fondue from Häagen Dasz or the visit to a Christmas market is now coming. But there are many more possibilities.
Otherwise, maybe a beautiful leather bracelet or something that he’s wanted for a long time.
Gifts prove nothing. Just make him a nice evening, invite him to you, cuddly, eat something together, look at you movie, eat chocolate, laugh together. That’s always the best. And if you still want to give something, give him a bracelet, or a chain or something like that.
Thank you, that are beautiful incidents 🙂
I’m not really a fan of great material gifts ——> give him a voucher for a nice dinner or just what’s even more beautiful, cooks/backs at home & then makes it cozy 🙂
If you take some nice photos, you have even more beautiful memories to lift up!
What really matters to him is that he is with you and he spends time with you! That counts for Him most! And possibly also a little bite to drink would not be bad and go out together to do what you want to do?
There are pretty sexy Nikolaus costumes for ladies, so you can surprise him. Bad girls get to feel his rod.
Go to dinner with him