Was kann ich machen, ich esse viele Sachen nicht und fahre im Herbst auf Klassenfahrt?
Beim Frühstück ganz extrem kein Brot, keine Bötchen, kein Müsli und sehr wenig Backwaren wenn nur Muffins also süßes wie Jogurt. Nur denke ich, dass es ziemlich schwierig ist, wenn man nur wenige Dinge isst. Was meint ihr?
I hope you’re already in treatment for your eating disorder! TITLE Go and find help! Hope you have your parents as support.
To the class drive….REDE with your teacher and explain your problem with food and that you are afraid that this will be a big problem during the class trip and how to find a solution together. You should also take your parents to the boat and make a joint appointment with the teacher.
Important for eating disorders, no matter what form you recognize it, accept it, talk about it and get help from professional doctors! I just know too well that it’s a heavier way, a long heavier way. I have an eating disorder myself and can therefore super-perceive your problem.
But without involving his environment, explaining what’s going on, you can’t hope for understanding. Because no one can look at it, and then you get quickly as a goat, you always want an extra sausage, or don’t stand up like that, and you’re just being tortured.
Got the same problem, but if you’re lucky, there’s something you like. You could take things from home you like.
This could indeed be a problem. There you should have a good reason to hope for understanding and possibly something special for you
Then you should get yourself additional fruits…. or “finally” to train you sensible eating behavior.
Yes, of course it’s difficult.
Many are somewhat picky when eating, but it seems to be very extreme with you.
Don’t you like all this? Why don’t you eat so many things?