Was kann ich machen (geht um meine Mutter)?

also es ist so. Ich sag was , z.B. das ich halt die meiste Zeit des Tages in meinem Zimmer sitze und immer das selbe sehen (hab das zu meiner Mutter gesagt, weil ich halt mein Zimmer umstellen wollt), und dann sagt sie so, ist ja deine schult das du nur im Zimmer bist. Und dann bin ich wohl wieder dran schuld. Oder ich hab halt gesagt das ich so ne Lilane T Shirt Farbe voll gerne mag, und meine Mutter sagt dann wieder es macht mich zu blass. Das selbe bei schwarzen Sachen.

Ich hab halt immer das Gefühl das ich nie die Sachen sagen kann die mich halt schlecht fühlen lassen. Ich hab mich halt auch früher schon geritzt weil ich halt niemanden von meiner Familie (also meine Mutter oder so) habe mit dem ich über alles reden kann. Also habt ihr Ideen was ich dagegen machen kann??

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1 year ago

Find other people you can talk to about your feelings. This can be friends, relatives, teachers or professional advisors. It’s important you don’t isolate yourself and get help if you feel bad. Ritzen is not a solution and can bring you more damage than benefits in the long term.

And as for your mother, maybe you can try to talk to her about how you feel without attacking or accusing her. For example, tell her that you want to feel comfortable in your room and that you find it a pity that she criticizes your choice of colors. Try to stay calm and objective and explain why these things are important to you.

If you don’t know any more and just need someone where you can pick up, but I don’t like to offer anyone as an open voice tube, if it could help you, don’t get angry

1 year ago

You still have to talk to your mother about your feelings and that you think you can never do anything right, she always has something to criticize.

That you’ve been in trouble for a long time, proves you’ve been scratching what you should tell your mother.

Generally, you should try to communicate other things.

Instead of saying that I always see the same in my room,

rather that you want to change something in my room,

or that you want to change this or that!

1 year ago

Go out regularly in nice weather, there’s a change outside and maybe you’re less pale. Your mother probably likes other colors and that’s okay. You can still wear what you want.

1 year ago

Turn your room around instead of talking about it. Do things instead of talking just sitting around and chatting doesn’t matter.