Was kann ich machen?

Ich muss morgen 2 Stunden auf den Bus warten mach der schule, manchmal sind es sogar mehr… Es nervt, leute die direkt nach Hause können zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad haben es so geil, ich muss scheiß 2 stunden warten, dann nochmal 40 minuten Bus fahren bis ich dann um 5:10 Uhr zuhause bin, wie war das bei euch in der Schule? Musstet ihr auch mal so lange warten und wie lange dauert der weg zur schule mit dem Bus oder Zug? Bei mir 42 Minuten einfach und dazu kommt das ewige Warten weil die Busse nur alle 2 bis 3 Stunden einmal fahren 😐

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2 years ago

Moin IAmTheDanger69.

School time has been over with me for two years, but I can tell you “noth stories”.

At that time I lived in Puchheim and went to high school in Munich-Pasing. To do this, I had to drive all three stations with the S-Bahn and that worked out most of the time. However, the Oktoberfest took place annually in Munich. I have waited for this route (for which you usually need about 30 minutes) for two hours at the station because the entire network was paralyzed because of a disturbance (so they have at least failed). At some point, they said that the next S-Bahn departs from track 2 (and I stopped at track 8), that is, down from the platform and to track 2. Soooo many people stood there that the stairs were no longer raised and I thought, “then I liked it.”

I took a cab on that. It was expensive, but it came to the finish.

2 years ago

I’m still going to school and I have to say you’re sorry…. Will FLEX, I’m going to school for half an hour S-Bahn

2 years ago
Reply to  IAmTheDanger69

A half hour away from my school😂