Was kann ich längerfristig machen, dass ich in der Nacht nicht immer pinkeln muss?
Ich wache jede Nacht 2× auf und muss aufs Klo. Manchmal auch 3×. Ich kann dann schnell wieder einschlafen, aber es ist nervig. Das hat angefangen als ich vor ein paar Jahren mehrmals eine Blasenentzündung gehabt habe. Habe seit dem leider generell eine Reizblase. Ich bin auch erst 23.
Weniger trinken am abend nützt nichts. Das habe ich schon ausprobiert. Am liebsten wäre mir eine Lösung, dass sich das längerfristig bessert.
Habt ihr Tipps oder Ideen? 😊
My grandpa used to steal pumpkin seeds. I liked to throw them away. Eat and help.
Uncle ChatGPT says:
Strong nightly hurdle, also Nykturen may be caused by various factors, including an overactive bladder, hormonal changes, prostate problems (in men), urinary tract infections, cardiovascular diseases or taking certain medications. In addition to the clarification by a doctor, some micronutrients and natural remedies can be helpful:
1. Micronutrients
Two. Natural medicine
3. Lifestyle and nutrition
4. Hormone support
In older people a reduced production of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) cause more urine to be produced at night. In such cases, this should be discussed with a doctor.
Important notice:
If severe nightly urination occurs regularly or is accompanied by other symptoms (e.g. pain, blood in urine, swelling), a medical clarification should always take place to exclude serious causes.
So you can’t do anything is your inner watch.
Let’s check you out the Urologen.
Thank you. I was in treatment with the urologist at the time. Unfortunately, this has not improved.
Go to the Urologist
Thank you. I was in treatment with the urologist at the time. Unfortunately, this has not improved.
What did he diagnose?
A stimulus bubble.