Was kann ich gegen Mama tun?
Sie hat ein Organspendeausweis – unterschrieben das sie nicht spenden will.
Sie hat Angst nicht würdevoll beerdigt zu werden, aber sie wird ja wieder zugenäht.
Gespräche darüber enden in Streit dass es ihre Sache sei.
Ich find es nicht gut und spende selber Organe im Todesfall. Ich spende Blut für Essensgutscheine im Restaurant + Kochbücher, Regenschirm etc.
Your mother is perfectly right, it’s her thing alone and is absolutely none of your concern 🙂
I am pro-organ donating myself and I would like to know if everyone would donate, but that changes, but that doesn’t change the fact that you have to respect the desire of patients and not the right to criticize them.
Well, it’s also her thing and her opinion on it should be respected.
neither do I.
Me too.
But just like you and I want our decision to donate organs to be respected, your mother wants that too.
You should respect your mother’s will. Everyone has to decide whether he or she wants to donate organs after death.
This is their sole decision and everyone has to decide for themselves. By the way, medically speaking, you can no longer donate organs in the event of death. Only ‘living’ organs can be planted.
There’s in there, in case of a medical death.
Why? If the dead is fresh?
As soon as the heart stops to beat, the organs are no longer supplied with blood and die, so are no longer suitable for a donation.
You’re right.
That’s bullshit.
Again someone who knows more like a doctor
Attention: The Sstz with “medical, you can no longer donate organs in the event of death” is technically wrong. The person must be declared brain death by 2 independent doctors who have nothing to do with a transplantation. The brain death counts as a safe death sign of a person. If after/while the brain death is immediately started with medication treatment and artificial respiration, the heartbeat remains (which is necessary for organ donation). Medically speaking, the person is dead.
Look at the official definition: irreversible standstill of breathing and circulation – medically seen. Stoppage of circulation means that no organ is supplied with blood oxygen and thus stops in function. So honestly what is so hard to understand?
From Wikipedia (was not the best source, but still a good explanation for brain death, but may you like to research yourself even more):
“The brain death is the irreversible end of all brain functions – with existing circulatory activity and artificially sustained breathing – due to nerve cells that have died extensively. The term brain death is a death definition introduced in 1968 in connection with the developing intensive and transplant medicine. The brain death is often seen as a safe inner death sign or an equivalent of human death.”
Can’t think anymore is a term that allows a lot of interpretation. The brain death is a medically defined term. There are several test methods to determine the brain death.
I can’t quite follow you now what this has to do with the human dignity. I’m not the one who writes that you donate the ordinary organs of still living people.
Yeah, and the next one defines that one is dead because he can’t think anymore, so he’s brain death. Can only shake your head. The Basic Law says that the dignity of man is inviolable! That should always be the same!
The definition of what? The dead? A brain-dead patient who has artificially ventilated has a heartbeat, since the body is still supplied with oxygen and the heart does not need a brain to beat. However, breathing is controlled by the brain. As soon as the artificial respiration is switched off, the heart also stops swelling within the shortest time.
So long speech short sense: if the brain is dead, the human being is also medically dead, even if he is beaten and the heart is still beaten by this fact.
I told you.
Organ donations are only possible if a patient is brain death. Despite brain death, the heartbeat, through immediate artificial respiration and medication, can be maintained over a longer period of time. As soon as the artificial Beatmumg stops, the heart stops. So an organ donation, from a person who dies out of the hospital, is usually not possible, as the edible body dies. In the case of brain-dead patients, the respirator keeps a circulation, but the person is still dead.
No. I know exactly what every medical practitioner knows: organs are only removed, after the donor died.
As already written, medically speaking, none. The organs must be removed as long as the heart still strikes.
How long is there time after the dead?
Your mama has dealt with it and decided to accept it.
Find what you do. I also decided to donate the organs.
Even if I’m for organ donation – but that’s really pure her thing. Her body, her decision
therefore also not useless, but because you get something for it.
Even if I am a supporter of organ donations, I find:
You should respect your mother’s decision. It’s just her thing.
Is everyone his own decision… don’t interfere and don’t push anyone to anything just because you have these views… is absolutely disgusting such people. Instead, just accept others whose opinions and attitudes…
Yeah, disgusting, saving people’s life if you can’t start anything with it…. SO NOT adequately discuss this issue (or in principle). 😘
So you think it’s okay to push people to things they don’t want? Anyone can and should decide for themselves whether he wants to be a donor or not
Your thing, if you feel assaulted… not mine. don’t discuss either.. just wrote my point of view no more…
With all due respect… this person didn’t say… she finds it a pity that you don’t support this… and your words in honor but to clink here and by the theme doesn’t seem wise..
Your choice of words makes it clear that it seems okay for you
Now, just give me a quick spell of the place you mean to be able to pull this knowledge. I’m really excited….
Oh, sweet. Have fun. 😘
Of course… Sarcasm is something brilliant not true.
Oh, thank you for your generosity.
But I do. You’re welcome, much and most importantly, quite successful. 😎
I and missing education… all right.. Think what you want…
My intention is not so obvious. Although I made them quite clear. I don’t feel attacked by ignorance, but missing education triggers my helper. So, just read my comments very slowly, she understands. Learn. Or leave it and stay on your stand. 😘
Likely, others take advantage of the opportunity, because this is a public forum where one can comment – even if one has already informed the opinion “separately” in one’s own answer (what you could have noticed with very little effort 🤭).
Obviously, you feel assaulted by my words… otherwise just wouldn’t comment. Tell your opinion separately here.
Reading… why do you think someone was insulting?
So obviously not “all clear.” 🤷
Didn’t offend anyone… but all right.
No. But this is the problem of many in today’s time.
Have a proverb for you, whose meaning you can learn and which I would like to put to your heart: The sound makes the music.
That’s her decision! You shouldn’t force her.
Everyone has to decide for yourself. You have to respect this.
Nix can you do there, it’s her decision to accept it
Why? For other human lives
From the same. Reason how your mother has to accept your decision.
It’s your mom’s decision.
… and so is it! So just leave her alone.
“Do Mommy”?!
Gar nix…this is her decision alone!☝️
You can do something “for” Mama… pull out and let your parents finally live their own life!!!
This is her right and you have to respect this.
What do you think you’re putting your parents in their most private decisions?
I’m sure there’s such a type going out with me! Pretty sudden!
It’s her decision I wouldn’t want to donate it too, so let her! Your body you can’t determine it you can do it but she doesn’t have to if she doesn’t still want her body
It’s none of your business, it’s your decision.
either you sign it or leave it, stay left to everyone. a decision of your mother. you’ve got to report.
Your mother can learn from you.
On the other hand, you have to learn that people have their own will, even if they may sometimes be illogical and irrational.
You stay on your course.
This is the way.
You don’t have anything to do, no matter how you find it.
I will not donate my organs;)
Why would you choose your mother?
It’s her body.
Conversely, you don’t want your mother to decide you’re not an organ donor…
Everyone’s free choice. Find it better if everyone would donate, but you can’t force anyone.
Should be required
“The dignity of man is inviolable”
I don’t think so! Everyone should decide freely. But what you could change on the system would be the opt out. Everyone is a donor if he does not sign that he does not want it, the system also has Austria. Currently, it is opt in, no one is donor except he signifies that he wants it.
But revival is a completely different matter. This is about the maintenance of the individual’s life, according to which it can be assumed that corresponding measures correspond to the self-conservation drive.
This right applies to all and not only to those you wish. Fucking in a state of law.
This is not allowed to run through an identity card, which would have to be deposited with health insurance companies etc. We also use Opt Out for revival measures via patient orders.
The dignity of man who needs the organs.
That would be very controversial. Aside from “unfortunate” coincidences where no ID was found.
Also Opt out is right