Was kann ich gegen diese Wut tun?

Immer wenn ich Paare in meinem Alter sehe, brenne ich innerlich vor Wut vor allem wenn das Mädchen hübsch ist. Ich bin dann aber größtenteils nicht wütend auf andere, sondern auf mich selbst und entwickle so einen chronischen selbsthass und frage mich, warum ich nicht so ein Leben haben kann. Ich habe gar nichts, ich bin depressiv, hatte noch nie in meinem Leben weiblichen Kontakt, habe nur 2 echte Freunde und hasse meine Familie aber muss mit denen zusammen leben. Am liebsten würde ich als jemand anderes wiedergeboren werden.

Habt ihr tipps wie ich meine Wut besser unter Kontrolle halten könnte? Vielleicht kann hier jemand aus Erfahrung sprechen

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5 months ago

You realize you can’t have everything in your life. And you can still have female contact, you’re still young. If you’re old enough, you could take off. There are enough ways to change something. You just have to be ready.

5 months ago
Reply to  Mogg3r

Believe me, as happy as the couples appear, they are not always. A relationship is not always heaven on earth. If you find a good woman, it can be nice, but you have to find it first. Do not stiffen on it and first work on yourself and learn to accept as you are.

5 months ago

But I am not angry at others, but on myself and develop such a chronic self-hate and wonder why I cannot have such a life.

This is not necessary because you still have enough time to change that with 19/20 J.

Try to use the energy of your hate athletic to build you. You need a plan and somewhere you have to start.

To your calm: You can also have an 18-year-old in your arms with 35. Not necessarily in Germany, but elsewhere possible and even usual.

5 months ago
Reply to  Mogg3r

Of course I don’t hope you wait till 35 J. You have to use the time and get your mistakes. You don’t have to have depression. You can still visit a prostitute so that this stone will fall from your shoulder, that you had contact with a woman. Isn’t going out with a woman now, but then you’re much looser on it and then it’s easier for you to tackle your social deficit with women. Go to a nightclub or disco, make friends there, take a woman, start a conversation, dance with her, learn to dance, go with her somewhere else. That’s all so easy when you first know how it works.

an old sack that goes to a younger

If you think so, then I hope this is your own opinion, not the view of others, or even other women you have caught up and just believe that. We live in a strongly manipulating society.

Women socialize earlier than men. So for a woman it is more sensible to have an older man. Also from the financial side an older man is more grounded. And women also mature physically earlier.

5 months ago
Reply to  Mogg3r

You don’t know how much in life can happen until you’re beginning/center 20. Calm down, I’m sure you’ll find love before your 30s. Love comes super suddenly. One day you hate the whole world, and the next you get to know a person who doesn’t get out of your mind. This can happen so quickly and unforeseen, especially when you start doing activities outside with other people.

Youth love is nothing compared to adult love, you don’t miss much. Of course, you’re probably in school the rough G when you have a girlfriend with 15 but now honestly, so youth loves are mostly superficial.

5 months ago

This is so shameful that you are so torn up and down in the feelings, envy to couples and jealousy are not good feelings, they are primarily harming yourself, destroy you and lead to self-hassing.

You should learn to gleam even if you don’t have a happy relationship right now. It’s better if you give other people their happiness and don’t get into this negative sog.

You can also have such a life, but instead of giving you the feelings you should do something actively.

Do a dance course, as you get to know many people, are among people and dancing is a wonderful hobby. I met two partners.

If you want to actively work on you, you can start a behavioral therapy with a psychologist, then you can eliminate your feelings on the root and take a new path of life.

You can also buy antistress balls for the moment the anger boils up.


Make something out of you, accentuate your chocolate side, a umstyling, new hairstyle, so you feel more comfortable, then you’ll radiate.

Happy you.

5 months ago

You could go to the forest and yell at trees.

A therapy would also be an option.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mogg3r

The fact that you do not understand it does not mean that it is not a very good answer.

5 months ago

Focus on yourself and believe that you will find the right time when the right time has come.

5 months ago
Reply to  Mogg3r

You mentioned more often that you have a depression. Are you in therapy with that and if in what form? Talk therapy? Drug therapy? Interplay from both?

5 months ago
Reply to  Mogg3r

Slowly start with discipline and constantly increase. In the beginning, exercises such as every day 20 lying support or 10 minutes in the Bible (or another book) are to be read. Much strength and success!

5 months ago

A therapy can help you with your depression.

5 months ago

You gave birth year 2005, so you are 18 or 19 years old.

First of all, relax, breathe deeply and realize how young you are. You may not have the best starting conditions for a fulfilled life, which is why I believe you are having problems with your family. This is just in young years, if you can’t stand so completely on your own legs, of course, a big topic and loads a subconscious constantly.

You have a pretty bad picture of yourself. How should other people (in the case now mainly women) learn to love you when you seem to be abhorrent to yourself. How to see yourself and deal with yourself has great influence on how to look outwards. Maybe you don’t see that you’re wearing this self-hate in you, but people realize that there’s something going on in you, and that’s something that’s going on with you.

That might sound a bit mean now, but I don’t mean it. It is important to accept that you have a problem and realize what a problem you have. Because only then can one take care of it.

So, what can you do?

The first and only thing you can do right now and should take care of yourself. Fuck others. Yeah, other guys have pretty girlfriends, but I’m sure they won’t let you live with pretty women. On the contrary.

Take care of yourself, I don’t mean you’re supposed to do TikTok-Selfcare and you’re supposed to crawl, no. These include a lot of different things that apply to MACHEN.

Start to reflect on yourself and to deal more with you. Why do you hate yourself? Because you don’t have a beautiful girlfriend? Are you dissatisfied with your appearance or personality traits? If so, what exactly makes you dissatisfied? And if you know, work on it.

Personality development is the keyword. Working on yourself alone is hard, so maybe you can help a therapy. At least consider looking for professional help, because this is the best support for self-help. A reasonable psychologist/therapist can help you to clear and arrange your problems and show you ways to work on them.

Aside from that, there are many other things you can do. To achieve a fulfilled life, it is best if you fill your life with content. (That sounds blunt, but it’s true)
Find a hobby or several that will delight you and help you to make your free time. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn to play an instrument or go through a sport in the club (football, volleyball, basketball, tennis or anything), go to the gym, go on to a specific theme, do something artistic or something else. Such hobbies are essential to fill life, and you usually get to know people with similar interests, just because you get out of everyday life.

And maybe you should think about moving out one day in the middle of the future, because an unharmonic home is a huge disturbance factor for self-expanding.

You don’t have to be a perfect person or “Alphamann.” You don’t have to get to the destination with your life or be completely zen and be in the clean with you to get to know a great woman who can love you. But once you have a way to walk ANFÄNGST, you will encounter people who will love you in their lives on this path.
Because it just reads like you don’t know where to go with you and so many young people go, and sometimes I go. I haven’t reached the point of life in which I want to be one day, but admit that you don’t have to be perfect, but still giving everything to be a better person day by day is often a big first step.

And that way you go with the first step, then it is necessary to go on. I wish you a lot of success to shape your life with less anger and more joy and love