Was kann ich einem 16 Jährigen Jungen beim Wichteln schenken…?
Bei der Arbeit Wichteln wir und ich habe unseren Ausbildenden gezogen. Er ist ein Junge ca. 16/17 Jahre alt. Leider habe ich keine Ahnung, was seine Interessen sind…
Was könnte man da schenken?? Was würdet ihr an meiner Stelle kaufen?
Chocolate, biscuits or any Christmas stuff you could offer.
But is it now a trainee or an apprentice?
For this, one must first know what value the gift should have. Besides a candy, you can give a lottery ticket.
20 Euro Max
Lotto for a 16717 year-old … :/
xD Cool, without interests is difficult, but you can see if you can find something about it via a creep path. I just need to know who he was talking to. Otherwise try to make friends xD
Hey, have heard xxx, is that right? = conversation with correcting what you can build well. = interests = gift ideas 🙂 But be too direct.
amazon credit card
:/ Vouchers are fucking, sry
I don’t know
:/ One reason to be friends, what to do for others lies with me iwi on the tongue, too many honorary offices… But why do you think so?
Also, but then you can spare it on this forum to ask strange people what you expect when nobody knows the young
No, with a voucher you go to a load, place 10€ on the counter and go back. When it comes to a gift, you can see what the person might like, I’m really worried about the gesture.
Can you say about all gifts
You make it so easy, but I can give myself a voucher.
Ne pack condoms, new boxershorts …
It’s really young for a trainee. Nen Einstein Funko Pop vlt?
Is there a normal age? I also started with 15 and finished with 18:)
Ne you read the wrong 😅
not apprentice but apprentice
The 16 year old is a little young trainer to be 😂
I think there’s something big on track 🧐
Gloves, beer, clover, Lego Star Wars? Keep coming to the type
Why must the amount to be paid be 20 euros?
There is no one in your place, perhaps he is looking forward to a beautiful scarf or a set = cap, scarf and gloves.
Why ask this question the Incognito… 🙂 Is it on GF?
How does that answer the question?
For demand, you can use the “Request Ask” line under the question and do not have to write an answer.
How does that answer the question?
Not at all. That wasn’t my intension.
For demand, you can use the “Request Ask” line under the question and do not have to write an answer.
I’ll do that next time.