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1 year ago

You have to split it up, try to drink the majority of your water needs during the day and then to the evening rather little/no so that you don’t have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, that helped me personally a lot.

Ps: If you have to stop at night, there is a trick, you have to keep an eye all the time while the light is on, so you can fall asleep again:D. The funny thing is because one eye is used to the darkness you can see with it and not with the other. ^^

1 year ago

It’s normal. That’s the way it should be. Your kidneys are to filter out toxins, so you need to rinse them. Your body needs liquid and a liter is too little.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nameohne341

Then do not drink immediately before bed

1 year ago

Oh, my God, go to the bathroom for another two times, and from tomorrow you know what’s going on. How old are you? It’s logical that you have to pee when wan drank.

1 year ago

Your body can only take 250ml in 15 minutes. So share drinking a drink after an activity etc. Don’t make it all up otherwise nothing will happen

1 year ago
Reply to  Nameohne341

Okay, let me hold or what should I do now

1 year ago

I really drink a lot a day, but I don’t have to get out at night. All a question of reconciliation.