Was kann die Künstliche Intelligenz mit Menschen alles machen, wenn es irgendwann keine Menschen braucht und zu was ist die KI Fähig?
Ich möchte gerne wissen, was es mit Menschen alles macht, den gerade eben hatte Ich eine Frage gestellt, die keiner versteht, jetzt wird es Zeit euch zu schulen was KI bedeutet.
Erklärt mir mal einer was die KI mit Menschen so machen kann..
und zu was KI alles Fähig ist
Liebe Grüße
AI systems that currently exist are not able to do anything independently. They only command. They react to what you say. They are dangerous only by people who use them in a dangerous way, for example by creating deceptively genuine politically motivated fakes.
From scenarios where an AI wants to independently seize world domination or something we are far away.
To learn this, you have to wait a few more centuries until we have an AI for which it is worth asking such a question.
The currently large AI systems can detect extremely good patterns and calculate the logical conclusion on them, no more and no less.
People use AI to destroy society, that is the real danger.
There’s nothing she can do because it’s never gonna come that far. It may be that there are no more people at some point. But then there’s no AI.
It is excellently able to detect patterns. This is their outstanding ability.
Naiv, as always.
The AI still spit out what you’re fed in. It would be critical if she learned. For she knows no empathy and will possibly destroy the whole world if it seems logical.
But I have no concerns.
The AI will first replace (relations to) women and then gain access to the nuclear arsenal and destroy the earth.
This is
Maybe you should first teach yourself what AI means at all.
Nothing one veri will only do what it was created for and will always find a way for her more intelligent the AI the more could lead the paths and that you can become more independent
One AI, however, mutates as one knows from films is unlikely than an AI does not feel that is e.g. greeding a human phenomenon and would not occur at all in an AI
In addition, an AI can only handle what she was trained or she could not distinguish a tennis socks from a nuclear reactor
But I actually find it an interesting project if you bring an AI so far that you can learn it in a kindergarten or in a preschool and later in a school gymnasium and uni with the same substance which students would learn how such a AI would behave, but which would not work that she can only participate in the theoretical part that cannot see nothing touching nothing
For this reason, an AI will always be limited according to the current state
An AI is trained with millions of training data. A student with 10 to 20, maybe even with 100 examples.
With such low training data, each car remains a rainworm.
It was a comparison of course can learn a AI significantly more but a student can learn more than one theory it is about what sounds purely theoretical in science and meaningfully does not mean that in practice it actually works that would be interesting if an AI can actually implement something and can derive from an experience a AI can only learn from an experience we have made people
There is no ‘real’ or ‘actual’ AI. AI is a part of computer science, working to develop such programs.
Is a bit as to say there would be a “real” or “right” or “real” analysis in mathematics.
Right. It is precisely for AI to be used: to detect patterns.
That you misunderstood exactly that has to do with a real AI what you’re talking about has nothing to do with an AI (that’s called an algorithm) because we actually don’t have any AI it’s no artificial intelligence it’s actually stupid like straw I just need to admit a AI that the sky is green and the AI will eventually believe it
The one AI really learns independently and also socially interactive is definitely the goal of a real AI of it we are far away from that I know an AI as we call it today is definitely not the goal what an AI should be able to it is just the current state of the art
Bringing AI closer to human behavior is currently even already in work since this purpose is a big business branch of AI most know only chat GPT while making apps that are already very popular in China and Japan here in Europe you hear a little less of it
Currently, these virtual friends are pure yes teller the development but definitely goes there that an AI can make its own experiences and develop its own character until we have arrived there are probably going to go into the country for a few years I would say almost decades, but I might even be mistaken considering that 14 years ago Chat GPT would have been a spinning mill.
And so in the kinder shoes, by the way, this is not already used today for the analysis of human behavior
You talk about what is currently feasible is currently working a Ki so that is correct
An AI does not learn through social integration but through a training in which it gets billions of training data.
On the basis of this training she recognizes patterns and arranges them according to probability theory criteria. Something else doesn’t make a AI. She doesn’t commit social interaction at all.
What you’re thinking about or here doesn’t have the least to do with AI.
You have still not understood it is not about the school material but about the possibility of making an AI experience in the form of interactions practical implementation social inclusion etc., but we are not yet long
I didn’t mean that. An AI can store more data, which is certainly correct.
But I was talking about your comparison with schoolchildren: an AI that is trained with as little records as a school child, will not even reach the intelligence level of a rainfall.