What could be the reason for my watery eyes?

For months (approximately since August-September 2022), my left eye has been watering. It doesn't burn, it doesn't itch, it's not red, and it doesn't hurt, but it's constantly watering. Some days it's "only" when I bend over or look down (due to gravity); other days it's constant. In situations where my eyes get moist, such as when yawning, I can easily blink it away in my right eye, but in my left eye, my watering completely overflows, and it takes a while for it to stop.

I thought maybe it was helping to combat dryness in my eyes, but even the eye drops I've been using for weeks haven't helped (I've ruled out an intolerance since I've used them several times before). I don't have any allergies or other illnesses, I see perfectly, and I don't wear any prescription glasses.

Of course, gutefrage can't replace a doctor's visit, but I don't want to make an appointment specifically for this. I've always wanted to get this checked out whenever I see a doctor for something else, but (fortunately) that hasn't happened in the last few months.

Is there anyone here who has had similar experiences? What could be the cause and an effective remedy for it?

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2 years ago

Too dry eyes, even if this sounds contradictory.

1 year ago
Reply to  Velbert2

Thank you for “The best answer”.

2 years ago

Go to the ophthalmologist.

It could be related to the tear channel….