Was kann das sein?
Ich habe schon seit sehr langem Schmerzen in der linken leiste deswegen bin ich zum Arzt und der meinte das das irgendein muskel ist. Aber seit ein paar Wochen tut mein linker hoden auch weh (aber nur wenn dieleiste auch weh tut. Die leiste tut nicht immer weh sondern nur ab und zu.).
Sollte ich nochmal zum Arzt?
Was kann das sein?
Aber irgendwie ist mir das peinlich das meinen eltern zu sagen.
Something like that.
Do you have any complaints?
A bit from many seats in school
Could be. (That wouldn’t be so bad. You can try it with gymnastics etc.)
I hope your doctor would notice a rupture?
I’d hook up again. He can give you a transfer to the specialist or physiotherapy.
I was 5 months ago at the doctor because of the
You were already with the doctor?
Maybe to orthopaedic? Ask your doctor again.
He can’t know how bad it is for you.
You think I should be a doctor
Then you can be calm. My friend used to be in pain in the Hoden district. There was a crossache. So not as dramatic as he thought.
No, he had looked it up with ultrasound and meant no one
That’s bullshit! What’s embarrassing to tell parents. That’s one thing. The other thing is to go to the doctor again and possibly to a Urologist.