Was kann das im Essen sein?
Hallo, ich bin gerade im Urlaub im Griechenland und habe hier Reis mit Zucchini, Tomaten, Zwiebeln usw gegessen. Allerdings ist mir etwas im Teller aufgefallen, was ich nicht identifizieren kann… kann mir jemand weiter helfen? Nach was sieht das aus? Für mich sieht es aus nach Sprossen, aber woher kommen die? Ich habe Angst, dass es was giftiges ist oder so.
And you mean it wouldn’t have been noticed if someone sold poisonous stuff? lol
I mean, the thing can’t have gone in there
Even if it will be any ingredient from the kitchens and not from heaven.
No, it can’t! Don’t be stupid.
Why? Should that be poisonous? If you are so afraid of unknown dishes, you should stay at home and never eat foreign food.
Please do a therapy! That’s not normal!
Probably it’s just line of plants you’ve been eating or maybe it’s meat.
I thought it might be meat, but not. Besides, I’m already in therapy because I bought chickens from a snack truck, which was full of LEBENDIGE worms at dinner… they just came out. Since then, I’ve been really sensitive to eating, but now it’s happening again. Fear that this can be a poisonous plant that went out to clean or something. Can’t see that thing…
No, that’s very unlikely.
Please never eat unknown dishes abroad until your therapy is successful. Just stay at home.