Welches IPhone kam vor dem 11er? Wie hieß es (offiziell)?
Welches IPhone kam vor dem 11er? Wie hieß es (offiziell)?
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Ich habe einen Freund mit Stickern vollgespamt, die ich mit einem Autoclicker auf dem PC geschickt habe. Jetzt, wenn ich versuche, WhatsApp auf meinem Handy zu öffnen, hängt es ständig, und der Akku entlädt sich schnell. Ich habe WhatsApp schon geschlossen und neu geöffnet sowie mein Handy neu gestartet, aber nichts hat geholfen. Kann mir…
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Officially there is no iPhone 10 or iPhone 9 after the 8th came the iPhone X.
After iPhone X came the iPhone XR, XS & XS Max.
As the successor of this, the 11th
The iPhone 11 is a Smartphone from iPhone– Series of the US company Apple; it is the successor of iPhone XR.
Okay, what did I say?
There is no official 10 or 9 iPhone. After the 8th, the X then came as successor the XR together with XS & XS Max and then as successor the 11s, so the predecessor of the 11s is the XR, XS & XS Max
because the answer is iphone xr
What do you want me to do with the info, or what did you share it with me?
What do you mean?
iPhone Xs, xr and xs max
iPhone XS and XR, before iPhone X, which was released simultaneously with iPhone 8.
The iPhone 11 is a Smartphone from iPhone– Series of the US company Apple; it is the successor of iPhone XR.
Iphone 1 , 2, 3 , 4, 5, and so on were all before number 11.
The iPhone 11 is a Smartphone from iPhone– Series of the US company Apple; it is the successor of iPhone XR.
Thank you.
not only the XR but also the XS series